Chapter 8

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He gets down on one knee. By now I am blushing and tearing up and laughing with joy.

"Hazel Grace.." he pauses. "will you do me the amazing and extrodinary honor of marrying me?" I am shocked his words surprise me. I am speechless. I always knew that he would propose to me. But I never imagined that it would be this soon.

"Yes." I manage to chock out. "Yes...yes yes yes!!!" He pulls the ring out of the box. I glance at it. There is a beautiful diamond right in the center surrounded by little sparkles. I turn the ring over on my finger and there is a inscription on it. There is an infinity sign. I start tearing up.

"Do you love it?" Augustus asks me.

"I love it." I reply. He brings me into an embrace and we stand there in the middle of the kitchen. Untouched food, light candles, the perfect guy, the romantic setting. Everything is just perfect.

"Okay?" He says.

I laugh, "Okay."


My funeral is supposed to be at 11. Gus and I finish our romantic breakfast a fiances. I tried to eat my food but I was too excited to even take a sip of water. I never thought I could love breakfast so much. But now its my favorite meal of the day! Then Gus had to get ready to look SUPER hot!! (author's note: tee hee) Even though we were going to my funeral. I sat on the couch staring at my ring. I just couldn't help but to stare at it. The ring was probably the most beautifulest thing I had. Besides Augustus.

"You must really like that ring." I jump and turn to see Gus standing behind me.

"You scared me!!" I say as I hit him.He laughs. "But yeah I do love it. Did you possibly think of an wedding day?" I ask him.

"I don't know. Not for a while." He said. "I just want a private wedding."

"Why?" I ask him.

"I don't know anybody here." He says. I feel sorry for him. I don't know anybody here either but he has been here longer. I hug him. He smells like cologne and Axe body wash. We sit there in the hug unable to break the silence.

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