You've Always Opened Up To Me|FP Jones|

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Dad Imagine

You were in one of those moods

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You were in one of those moods.. The mood when you didn't want to talk to anyone

Once you've found out that Jug and literally everyone you were friends with believed you were the killer you blocked everyone out

Out of all the people to think you'd do something like that it just had to be your friends

To make matters worse you didn't really talk to your dad since you both got into a somewhat heated fight which resulted in you just walking out of the trailer home

You knew no matter what your dad was always the one to make you feel better but with you still being mad at him you wanted to stay away from him

Fred had asked you to take some papers to the construction sight and you happily agreed it was the best you could do since you were living under his roof with the two people you despise your brother and his best friend

You made your way to the construction sight not really paying any attention to the cars/motorcycles that were around

You walked inside and dropped the papers off as you were leaving you heard a small laugh which made you turn your head and you saw your dad

F- It's good to see you too dear

Y- I just came to drop off those papers

F- What's Wrong

Y- Nothing

F- Y/N Y/M/N Jones... what's wrong your not in your usual happy mood... Was it Jug

Y- It's everyone in my friend group and I rather not talk about it

F- Come on I haven't seen you in weeks and you know I don't like seeing you upset

Y- Everyone thinks I did it

F- Did what?

Y- Killed Jason... Everyone thinks I did it

FP sighed knowing you would never do that you didn't have the guts to

He walked over to you and hugged you... You hugged back crying into his chest

While You and FP were hugging you heard the door open and you turned your head to see Jug and Archie

Y- I have to go

F- No

F- Jughead... Archie

J- What's up dad

F- You really think your sister killed Jason?

J- Well.....Um....

F- Wow.... You out of all people should know that she didn't do that... She couldn't even hurt a fly

Jug looked at you but you looked away not really wanting to be in front of him

Jug frowned slowly coming to the realization that Cheryl had gotten to him something he'd thought would never happen

He looked over at Archie who had the same look on his face

F- Coming to your senses huh

J- Y/N... I'm

Y- Save it

You walked out of the trailer and got back into your car and drove back to the Andrews household

When you got there you saw Betty on your porch talking to her mom she happened to look over as you were walking out with all of your clothes and other belongings

She told her mom she'd be right back and walked over to where you were

B- Where were you... I was trying to...

Y- Why do you care... Last time I checked you were accusing me of a murder I DIDN'T DO

B- *Taken Back* I'm sorry I really am I should of known better and why do you have all your stuff packed

Y- I'm going home .... I can't stay here knowing my brother and Archie think I did it

With that you got in your car and drove off and made your way back to the trailer home

You got out of your car and got your stuff and walked inside

F- Y/N?

Y- Dad

F- Your back

Y- Yeah ... I can't...

F- I understand... I'm glad your home

Y- Me too *Smile*

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