It's Good To Hear From You|FP Jones

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Dad Imagine

Ever since you moved away from Riverdale for college it was rare that you got in contact with your brother or father

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Ever since you moved away from Riverdale for college it was rare that you got in contact with your brother or father

Since you were working to make it so you could help out your dad something he wouldn't want you to do but you would do anyway

You and Jughead had the same passion... Writing.... When you went to Riverdale High you did things for The Blue and Gold you also did cheerleading and got really good grades something that you still get

You were about to go on break since you finished all your work and stuff you had to do for classes and the teachers didn't want you to get to far ahead of everyone else

You got back to your dorm that was a single which was a good thing since you didn't really like interacting with people

When you got there you walked in closing the door and looking at the picture of you and your dad before you left

To say he was proud of you was an understatement... Everyone doubted you because you were the daughter of a serpent but yo proved them wrong something you always did no matter the scenario you always proved a person wrong

You flopped down on your bed before deciding to call your dad since you haven't spoken to him a while

The phone rung and rung you were about to hang up when you heard the familiar voice of the Serpant Leader and Father

F- Hello

Y- Hey

F- *Look he makes in Gif* Y/N

Y- The one and only

F- How have you been

Y- Really good ... I'm actually going on break soon

F- That smart huh

Y- Yep... I was thinking I'd come home for a few weeks

F- That would be wonderful and Jug really needs you right now

Y- What's wrong with Jug

F- You'd have to be here

Y- Well in that case I'll see you soon

F- Your two hours away

Y- I'll leave now

F- Still doesn't change how far away you are

Y- Don't underestimate me

F- Go the speed limit child

Y- Always do

F- I'll see you when you get here

Y- I'll see you when I get there *Smile*

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