How Could You|Veronica Lodge

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Sister Imagine

Moving to Riverdale was supposed to be a fresh start

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Moving to Riverdale was supposed to be a fresh start

Ever since your dad went to jail you knew everyone knew and when I say everyone I mean EVERYONE

The first day of school while some blonde girl who had that girl next door type of personality

But You and Ronnie quickly became friends with some of the kids of the original Riverdale gang

You were sitting in the student lounge when Chuck came up to you.... You weren't the one to date and you weren't going to date now

He kept trying to convince you but nothing was working so he gave up or so you thought

After school you went straight home and finished some homework you had to do

After an hour Ronnie had come home and once she saw you she gave you a look of sympathy which left you confused

Y- What

V- Have you been online?

Y- No I haven't why

V- Chuck said you two slept together


You never got out of your seat so fast in you life and once you did you got your jacket and made your way out the door

Veronica of course followed you and once you saw Chuck who was football practice he happened to look over and smile

And made his way over to you once he did you slapped him which made Archie and Reggie run over

You were known to latch out and have anger issues so Archie held you back since he knew how bad it could get

A- What the hell

R- Probably the sticky maple

Y- I didn't even go out with you ... You piece of shit

C- That's not true and you know it

Y- You'll know it's true when you have no balls left

A- Calm down Y/N

Y- How can I when I'm getting SLUT SHAMED and I didn't even sleep with anyone

Archie hugged you and you hugged back you were crying into Archie's jersey ruining your make-up and messing up his jersey but he didn't care about that

R- Did you two do anything Chuck

C- No

R- Then in the hell would you...

Reggie was beyond mad which was rare for him he would usually go along with this but Reggie actually liked you and he could tell you weren't like the usual stuck up bitches who just had things handed to them

Without even thinking Reggie punched Chuck and that's when everyone had popped up

Jughead ran over with the rest of the group knowing of the "Sticky Maple" but they didn't know what had happen in that very moment

After a few days everything calmed down and no one brought up the sticky maple thing

Betty had found this book and it had a bunch of girls names in it they football players were basically using the girls and now they got caught

You had went to Pops since you were craving a famous Pops milkshake once you ordered and the milkshake came you were alone and it was nice

Then Chuck came in which made you roll your eyes and he of course made his way over to you but before he could Veronica sat across from you which made Chuck roll his eyes

C- I just wanted to apologize

Y- I just wanted to say I don't care

C- Maybe if you didn't act like this stuck bitch I wouldn't have done this

Y- I let you done nicely thank you ... Now go before you get hurt

C- What are you going to do claw me ... But I don't think you want to break a nail

Before anything else could happen FP walked over knowing if one one stepped in something bad would happen and he didn't want anything to happen to You or Veronica since you both meant something to Jug

Veronica was looking at you with a little scared look since you've never shown this side around her

After Chuck left FP had walked back over to where You and Veronica sat you had your head in your hands as V was rubbing your back

F- What was up with that dude

V- Nothing

F- Well it has to be something if Y/N looked like she was about to kill him

V- It's a long story and I got to get her home

F- Well just know I'm here to help your Jug's friends and if you ever need any help... You can just ask

Y- Thanks FP *Smiling*

F- No problem

Once you got home you got engulfed in a hug by your mother that you glady returned

H- Why didn't you tell me

Y- I thought you knew ... Everyone knew

H- Well I was busy ... Are you okay now

Y- Yeah I am I've gotten better

H- That's good

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