It's Funny How You Think You Have A Say|Sweet Pea

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Boyfriend Imagine

You were FP's daughter and well Jughead's Sister

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You were FP's daughter and well Jughead's Sister

You were a serpent way before Jug and you didn't go to Riverdale High you went to Southaide High

While you went there you made friends with the other Serpent kids like Toni and Sweet Pea

But the feeling of friendship changed with Sweet Pea on both ends

You were at the Whyte Wyrm hanging out with your younger Serpent friends playing pool

When Jughead walked in clearly looking for you since you didn't come home at all last night

With your dad being in jail Jug has to look after you being the older sibling by three minutes

After your fourth win against one of the older serpents you walked over to Sweet Pea sitting on his lap

He kissed you as you kissed back then Toni told you Jug was walking over

You looked up and saw him with a mad look on his face

It was clear he didn't like Sweet Pea that much he'll no one in the friend group liked him but you didn't care

You got up taking a seat next to Toni as Sweet Pea got up meeting your brother half way

J- What the hell was that

S- That was me kissing my girlfriend of 2 years

J- Y/N

Y- What

J- So you weren't going to tell me you had a boyfriend

Y- Didn't want to plus why do you care so much

J- I'm your brother that's why

Y- Oh well... Dad knows and he's fine with it

J- Are you seriously using that against me

Y- Yeah when it comes down to it ... It only matters what your parent(s) think ... Unless you really love that person

J- Y/N/N

Y- I'm fine Juggie


S- I don't think that's you choice

J- Well it is *Grabbing your arm* We're leaving

Y- No I'm not *Walking away from him and walking over to Sweet Pea holding his hand* If you don't like it don't talk to me... You do that pretty well

J- Y/N....

Y- It's the truth.... Sweet Pea has been there for me more than you

J- Fine... I'm leaving

With that he left clearly mad that you were right

He wasn't the perfect brother and it did seem he cared more about Jellybean then you

Jug didn't leave the Whyte Wyrm right away he just sat in the parking lot thinking of all the times he's pushed you away since you've became a serpent

He held back the tears going back home when he walked in he got met with someone he thought he wouldn't see in awhile.... His Dad

He walked over and hugged him while FP hugged back and he could clearly tell his son was upset

F- What's wrong

J- Nothing

F- Jughead

J- Nothing just a bicker with Y/N that's all

F- You talked to her

J- Yeah she's at the Whyte Wyrm

F- Oh I see you don't like her boyfriend

J- He's a bad influence on her

F- No he's not... I would know if he was... He actually cares for her.. If you were around then you would know

J- Yeah

F- I'm going to go see her

J- Have fun

FP left the trailer home and his way to the Whyte Wyrm when he made his way there

He walked in and saw you celebrating after what seemed like you hundredth win which made him smile

He walked over to the pool table that's when you looked up and saw him which made you smile and run over to him hugging him

He hugged you back and picked you up a little bit smiling

Y- Your back

F- Yeah I'm back

S- Welcome back Mr.Jones

F- Sweet Pea you can call me FP

S- FP *Smile*

F- I heard your brother stopped by

Y- Lets not talk about him

F- He just wants the best for you

Y- Then he should of been around and actually cared ... I don't care what he/not wants for me

F- Y/N...

Y- What

F- Give him a chance

S- That would be a good idea... If you really wanted to do it

Y- I'll think about it

F- *Smile* Thank You

Y- Your Welcome

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