No Don't You Dare|Parent! Choni Pt 2

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Requested by libbieedwards

This is more of a Parent! Cheryl

You were use to being the center of attention since you were The HBIC at school with being the captain of the cheerleading squad

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You were use to being the center of attention since you were The HBIC at school with being the captain of the cheerleading squad

But you liked being the center of attention because of your badass don't care type of attitude not your brother dying and being asked if you were ok every five seconds

You were trying to move on the best that you could but you couldn't with everyone asking if you were okay or if your moms were okay


You were going into a very depressed state the only person to really notice was Jamie who was really starting to worry about you

She wanted to talk to you but she knew you wouldn't open up she went to Cheryl since Toni was away doing something for the serpents along side Sweet Pea, Fangs, Jughead and Betty

Jamie was crashing at your house until her parents got back... Jamie got home before you since you had cheerleading practice that you didn't feel like attending but you knew you had to since the game was two weeks away

Jamie walked in getting met with a smiling Cheryl that was until she saw the serious look on Jamie's face which made it drop

C- What's wrong Jamie ??

J- It's Y/N

C- What's wrong with her

J- She's in a really depressed state and is starting to push everyone away

C- *Sigh* Thank You for telling me Jamie

J- You're Welcome Aunt Cheryl *Smile*

Jamie went to do her homework while your sat down on the couch waiting for you to coming home little did she know you weren't or so you thought


After practice you had gone to Sweetwater River you didn't know what you were doing there but you knew you had to be Lucas you couldn't do this without him

Your mom had a suspicion and went along too with Jamie... Once they got there they saw you standing right before the water front

It was winter and the whole river was covered with ice you were about to take a step forward when you heard a no which made you turn your head

You saw your mom and Jamie standing there you shook your head in confusion

Y- What are you two doing here

C- To make sure you don't do this... You promised me Y/N

Y- I cant do this mom

C- Honey I know how you feel I was there... But this isn't the answer believe me

You looked at your mom and Jamie then back at the river then back at them you decided against going out and walking over to your mom and Jamie who engulfed you into a tight hug

C- Please don't ever do that again I already lost Lucas I can't lose you too

J- Yeah I cant lose my best friend either

Y- *Smile* I love you guys

C- And we love you Y/N/N *Kissing the top of your head*

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