It's Time to Have Some Fun|Cheryl Blossom

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Requested by moodyauras

It was the day of the party that You and Cheryl were crashing

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It was the day of the party that You and Cheryl were crashing

Cheryl had been telling you about this big plan ever since she pulled you aside and asked to team up and cause a little destruction

You were in first period and it kind of sucked since you sat right in between Jughead and Kevin

K- How have you been Y/N

Y- I've been fine Kevin

K- I'm really sorry I didn't tell you... I wanted to I really did but-

Y- Forget it... It's fine

K- It's not fi-

Y- I said it's fine Kevin.. God do you ever shut up

With that you got all your stuff and walked out of the classroom

You did kind of feel bad for lashing out at Kevin like that he didn't deserve it... He was actually one of the decent ones of the friend group

Kevin had kind of coward down after you lashed out at him the usual happy boy now sad that one of his all time best friends hated him

J- I bet she didn't mean it.. She was just mad.. You know she's trying to move on from it... Stop bringing it up

K- *Sad* I know.. I just wanted to apologize

J- You did and she said it was fine and you pushed.. Don't push

K- Yeah I do push a lot huh

J- You do *Chuckle*


You were in your room looking at a photo album you had put together over the years with Betty and the others

You felt really sad like really sad you trusted them and they did this to you and poor Kevin only tried to apologize

You began crying.. You were having second thoughts of this whole "destruction" thing

In all honesty you just wanted your friends back... You wanted to steal Jug's Beanie... Gossip with Kevin and Veronica... Go on dangerous "adventures" with Jughead... Do the Blue and Gold with both Betty and Jug... Help Archie with his music

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