Chapter 10

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The feeling of everyone stare at me and Chara was kinda terrifying. We walked hand in hand, as we passed by a lot of humans... My kind. Chara wasn't found of them, since her past about her childhood. They knew me as the ambassador of the town, plus most people heard rumors about Chara. Not very good ones.

I heard Chara growl under her breath as a group of girls pass by me, giggling amongst themselves. "Hey isn't that the monster lover?" I heard one of them say quietly. "Yes, I never figured she be with a psycho!" Another laughed softly. I felt my blood boil underneath my skin, as we walked. How dare they talk about Chara, they don't know anything about her! Suddenly I felt someone hit my shoulder, causing me to fall down. "Ha, better watch where you're going, Ambassador." A male with a deep voice chuckle as his pal snorted disgustingly. "Hey! Haven't your mother told you never hit a woman?!" Chara shouted at them, hate burning through her eyes.

The taller male walked up to her face and smirked. "And? What are you going to do about it you bitch?" He scoffed. I fumed with anger, Chara stays silent. A crowd of people are swarming us, whispering to each other. "First of, don't touch my girlfriend... And secondly," Her smile widen and her eyes turned a deep blood red. "I  C A N  D O  P L E N T Y !!" She shoved him so hard, he had hit his pal then a street light.

I flinched at the clatter of them hitting the object with such force. Chara helped me up and lifted my cheek. "Are you alright?" She asks me softly, her eyes returning to normal. I nod quickly as I felt the eyes of the citizens on me, glaring...staring...watching us. I moved from Chara and ran into the mall, not looking back.
"Frisk!" I heard Chara exclaim as she ran after me, her black boots hitting the pavement. I continued to run, my heart beating against my chest as my breaths become heavily and hard. Dashing into a store, I felt a hand grab my wrist, pulling me against another person. Chara. My breaths decease to light pants of air, the banging of my heart in my chest slow down to a rhythmic pattern.

"Why did you run off like that?" Chara exhales deeply, exhausted from the chase. I tried to wriggle free from her grasp, but she pulls me into a fitting room and locks the door, pinning to the door. "Tell me why you ran off Frisk!" She demanded in a stern tone that made me wince. "I...I..." I couldn't let the words come out of my throat, afraid that I may say the wrong thing causing me to hurt Chara or our relationship. "Frisk..." She says in concern, I meet her dark gaze. "Tell me...please." I teared about and my breathing became shaky. "Because of them! Chara, you don't know the pressure of being the Ambassador of a town that has some idiots that has been bullying you and the monster race all your life!" I screamed, hot tears running down my cheeks.

"They tell you to go back to the hellhole the monsters came from because, life was better when the monsters weren't here! They break you mentally and emotionally because they know you're a sweetheart! T-they know your...w-weak...and..and..." I started to cry heavily, never having to pour my heart out to the true person I love in the whole world. She pulled me into a warm, comforting embrace as I cried into her shoulder, apologizing for thrashing out towards her.

Chara swayed side by side, shushing me as she comforted me. After a while, I calmed down and was sitting on Chara's lap. "Better?" Chara asked me as she rubbed my hips softly. I nod softly. "Yes." Chara smiles and kisses me passionately, placing her hands onto my thighs. I returned the kiss as I wrapped my arms around her neck. She rubbed up and down my thighs softly but deepens the kiss. I let out a soft moan as I continued to kiss her back, our lips move in sync with one another. The room started to feel hotter and hotter as Chara kissed me hungrily, feeling around my body causing me to moan more at her touches.

We soon pulled away from each other and left the store, deciding to buy some clothes for Chara and also myself.

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