Chapter 14

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Sans said there was a carnival today, with tons of festivities and such. I was waiting outside of Toriel's car, waiting for Chara to get ready. After what happened this morning I don't think she would want to talk about it. She came out with a gray skinny jeans, a green and yellow plaid shirt, with black and white converse. She walked over to me and grinned her usual cute ones towards me, which I always blushed when she does. "Let's go milady." She chuckles as she kisses my cheek, causing me to blush a soft pink.


Hours later, we arrived at the front gate and head to some rides that Frisk wanted to go on with me. I giggled to myself as I watched her jump in joy as she finished a ride, or see an entertainer perform for everyone. She is sweet as an angel and energetic as a child... Until, there was the tune of love ride, such a cringe. We stepped inside the cart chamber and buckled in, to me it seemed ancient. This ride has never changed from the looks of it, if you ask me. There were slight cobwebs from the corners on the wall but they were hardly noticeable. Frisk seems excited though, so i can't ruin it for her.

The ride started with a slight racket from the wheels, before starting to move onto the tunnel. "Isn't this nice Chara?" Frisk asked as she snuggled up against me as the ride went dimmer, every inch of light from the sun's rays, fade away out of existence. I wrapped my arm around her, loving the feeling of her warm body against me. This ride had nothing but heart shaped lights on the walls and fake, plastic, cheap flowers on the ground and plastered onto the walls. Hardly anyone was in here, just us. I yawned at the boredom of the ride, not feeling amused. Frisk looked up at me, rather confused. "Chara, what's wrong?" I shook my head. "Nothing. Just nothing interesting going on." I replied as I stared at the hearts on the wall, disgusted at how this was poorly displayed. Our SOULS like better than that... I thought.

Frisk looked as if she was going to say something else, until the light went out. Of course. "Sorry, ladies and gentleman but the ride has some technical difficulties. Please remain calm and patient, in your seats until we fix the situation. Thank you." The PA speaker said as I let out a sigh. Great. In a cheap ass ride, obviously old as hell and its pitch black! Suddenly, Frisk let her SOUL appear from her chest. "There's some light, at least." Frisk replied. I smiled and unbuckled my belt from the ride, unbuckling Frisk's as well. "Chara, what are you--" she squeaked as I sat her on my lap, facing me. "We're gonna be here a while, so might as well get comfortable." I smirked as I nuzzled into her neck, receiving a gasp from her lips.

Frisk wrapped her arms around my neck as I do the same to her waist, rubbing her back. "Mm...this is nice, Chara." She sighs at peace, smiles down at me. I smiled at her and kissed her cheek, hearing her sweet giggle. I started to stare at her soul, curious. Frisk followed my gaze and held her soul in her hands. "You... Want to hold it?" She asks me. My eyes widen at her question. She trusts me? With..her soul? Her main being? In my hands...? I was bewildered by the sudden question until feeling a light object in my hands. Her SOUL. I looked at it as it floated gracefully in a slow, soft motion. I returned it to her, hearing the cart start. We buckled up and head for the exit of the ride.

After that, we left to our warm, cozy house.

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