Chapter 24

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Author: Yes, it has been a while. I'm sorry I left everyone on here but I pretty much had gotten bored of this fandom. The thing was I didn't realize how much support I got from this book. So, I'll try my best to continue this book. Now to the story.

After that morning, I couldn't shake the feeling off. I felt as if he watched every single thing I did, as if his eyes were on me. It felt haunting.

Frisk decided I should at least lie down to probably relax and it could help with the uneasy feeling but I only felt it worsen. As my body laid still on the bed, my eyes staring blankly at the ceiling, I couldn't focus on sleeping. Strange. I just kept trying to concentrate on what my best friend looked like when he risked his life to save me from these humans...

These vile creatures I despise so dearly yet I accepted Frisk. I usually questioned why I even fell for her in the first place. It was quite a bewildering question, indeed but I know I don't ever want to change that. The feelings I developed towards Frisk. It was a good thing, right?

Then why is it that.... Asriel lingers in the back of my mind? Like, it's a reminder for the choice I made for us both which meant us risking our on lives. Wasn't it worth the risk? But was it worth Mom and Dad separating or my soul managing to survive as a spirit when he couldn't?

Yeah.... I'm starting to have sudden regrets of ever bringing Asriel into saving the monsters and bringing them back into that hell spawn realm of humans. They were so... insignificant. Greedy, lustful, untrustworthy, ruthless, filled with hatred. I don't think I'd ever want my family to be with those disgusting life forms, yet I am the reason he isn't here. I am the reason he didn't make it back home to see Mom and Dad.

So... I'm just as evil as they are. Aren't I?

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