Scissors and Bandages

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Type: Vocaloid x Vocaloid

Main Characters: Gumi, Yuma

Author's Note: this has some language in it, and...well, I'll let you tell me what you think of this one-shot.


The water was hot, but I shivered anyway. My green hair clung to my back, my front, my everything. It was too long. I was too wet. The water hid my tears and it washed the blood away. Hair and blood mixed together was beautiful.

My world was usually like a newspaper because it was made up of three colours: black, white, and red. Black, white, and blood. I knew there were other colours, and like I said, it was usually, not always, those three. Whatever. Green and pink and blue and all that shit doesn't count. I'm an idiot, so I go on like this sometimes. Maybe it would be better if the world was actually only black, white and red, but who can say, right?

Look, my life was a mess, okay? I didn't have one of those stupid 'happy' childhoods where the dad and mom play with their kid on the slide, no. I was the kid on the rusty old slide with cuts and bruises and bloody wounds being infected by the bacteria on the shitty slide. Those perfect parents were nowhere to be found. They didn't like their little green haired kid, so they just left her.

I grabbed a fistful of my hair and chopped it off, letting it fall into the tub. Now it only reached to my jawline. I did the same with the rest of my hair till it was mostly even. Then I looked at my arms momentarily before flipping the scissor blades open and cutting across my flesh in one swift movement, crying out only slightly as red began to dot the length of my wound before seeping from it and making the water pink. The cut burned but I liked the burn. I needed the burn. I deserved it. If I didn't do this, I'd do something worse.

I went again, this time parallel to the last one. I let them bleed and bleed and bleed before falling to the hard ceramic flooring of the tub, holding my head in my hands and bawling like and absolute idiot. I hiccuped between sobs and my legs were still in the stream of water, being scalded more. The scissors were lying by me, still a little bloody. I snatched them up and cut along my inner thigh, gasping as I bled more than I should've.

"Shit!" I stumbled to my feet and stepped out of the tub, mumbling, "Rest, elevate, direct pressure..."

I grabbed a small, white towel and pressed it against my inner thigh, trying to calm myself down, getting back into the tub and extending my leg so that it was supported by the tub's ledge.

"Dammit, stop already!" I cried. Why was I like this? Even I don't know the answer to that question. I lived alone, I had a shit past, and my mind was a mess. I was an empty husk. I should've just removed the towel and let it bleed. I should've grabbed the scissors and cut across my chest. I should have died, but I couldn't. Why? Well, I knew the answer to that question.

I didn't have anyone, but I wanted someone, a certain someone. The only reason I didn't let myself bleed to death or hurl myself of a bridge was because of him. I liked him, and it was stupid, liking him, because I'd never be able to tell him that I liked him. He wasn't super popular or anything. I just liked him because he seemed like he was what I was missing.

Except there was one problem, and that was where my shitty life got worse. This other girl liked him. She knew I liked him, and I knew that she liked him. We weren't friends, but we weren't enemies, either. We were both afraid and stupid and shy, though I was the only one who cut myself and did stupid things like that.

This other girl, IA, was pretty, really pretty. She had long, pale blond hair that was partly braided. I had drab, weird green stuff that was supposed to be hair. Her eyes were big and blue. Mine were big and green, just like my stupid hair. She was slender and had smooth, perfect skin. I was skinny and small, and my body was covered in scars from all the times I made myself bleed.

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