Swept Away

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Type: Yandere Mermaid Miku x Reader
Requested by blademan9999
Author's Note: If anyone finds another Yandere mermaid Miku x Reader, tell me! I hope this is good. I tried!

Summer was in full swing. You and your group of friends made a plan to go to the beach in August, and the night before the trip, you were unbelievably excited. You couldn't wait to relax under the sun and go for a swim.

When you and your friends got to the beach the next day, you all ran out of the car and grabbed a nice spot near the water, laying out your blankets and inhaling the salty sea air.

"______, do you want some French fries?" One of your friends asked as he headed towards the food stands. You squinted at him, the sun beating down on you, as you shook your head.

"No thanks!" You replied before turning to face the foamy water that washed against the sandy ground. It was practically calling you.

"_______-kun!” A girl called, her voice familiar. You smiled and faced her, trying your best not to blush. She was your girlfriend, and her swimming outfit was the cutest thing you had ever seen.

"Rin," you said her name and walked up to her. She clung to your arm and grinned at you.

"Do you want to go for a swim?" She asked, her big blue eyes reflecting your image back at you.

Rin was a great girl, and you really loved her, because she thought about things in more or less the same way as you. It was almost as though she could tell that you were itching to go for a swim in the boundless blue.

"How'd you know?" You asked, playfully poking her cheek.

"Aw, come on, _______-kun, you'd think I'd know my boyfriend well enough...besides, I'm feeling it, too. That urge to splash around like a little kid!" She giggled and you gently pecked her nose, making her blush.

"You're adorable," you said. Her face was even redder now. "Come on, let's get our feet wet already."

You pulled her into your arms and ran towards the water, shivering as the cool liquid splashed under your feet and between your toes.

"Cold?" Rin asked, dipping her feet into the water and wrapping her arms around herself. "W-We'll get used to it!"

With a nod, you trudged out further, Rin taking your hand and interlocking her small, slender fingers with yours. In a matter of minutes, the water was up to your torso. Rin squeezed your hand as she started to swim and the gravelly surface beneath your feet disappeared.

"It's f-freezing," she exhaled, holding onto you. You nodded and started to swim with her.

A few minutes passed and the two of you ended up far from the shore. Your friends were specks in the distance. You were starting to feel alone with Rin. A nice kind of alone. 

"It's so quiet out here," the girl grinned, pushing her blond bangs out of her eyes. 

You nodded, unable to keep a smile off of your face. She draped her arms around your neck and inched closer, letting her eyelids droop to a half-close. You were about to kiss her when suddenly, she yelped.

"W-What happened?" You asked, holding her by the arms. She shivered, a fearful expression in her eyes.

"Something touched me," she whispered. "I swear, _______, something freaking..."

She screamed as she was yanked into the water. You grabbed her arms and pulled as she screamed and sobbed, flailing her legs. Something was clearly holding on to her and it seemed very strong and persistent.

"Rin!" You cried out, worried that you might be pulling her too hard. "You have to try harder!"

"I can't, I can't!" She shook her head wildly before letting out a bloodcurdling scream. The water around you two started to turn crimson. A horrifying image flashed through your head as tears streamed down your girlfriend's already wet face.

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