Their Angel

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Type: Mikuo x Reader x Nero
Requested by WhyAreYouTalkin
Author's Note: This is the new opening thing I'll be using. This one-shot gets a tiny bit inappropriate...I guess I got carried away? >////<

It was a sunny, summery Saturday morning. You had just woken up, washed up, and were now combing your hair when the doorbell rang. Unsure of who it could possibly be, you ran downstairs.

"Coming!" You hollered, panting as you reached the door. You flung it open and looked at the young man standing in front of you. He smiled warmly, his blond hair falling over his eyes.

"N-Nero?" You began. He nodded. "Why are you here?"

"I dunno," he shrugged. "Just thought I'd visit my best, _____"

"O-Oh...," you nodded slowly. "It's a little early, but...come in, I guess."

He walked in and you led him to the living room, where the two of you sat down on a dark blue sofa. Silence draped the air and you swallowed slowly, running a hand though your partly combed hair, which was still drenched from your shower.

"Nero, I'll be right back, okay?" You smiled. He met your eyes. His were a sparkling, spellbinding golden hue. You'd be lying if you said that your best friend wasn't an extremely handsome young man. "I need to comb and dry my hair..."

Nero didn't reply. Instead, he scooted closer to you and gently wrapped his fingers around your arm, keeping his beautiful eyes set against yours. You raised an eyebrow, confused. He was always a little strange, but this was different. This was stranger.

"Your hair smells nice," he breathed, closing his eyes and bringing his mouth to your cheek. You tensed as he kissed your cheek quickly as then pulled back, burying his face in your hair and taking a deep breath. "It's so soft, _____..."

"Nero...?" Your heart began to pound. You were both confused and thrilled.

Suddenly, he grabbed you by he shoulders and spun you around to face him. Your face reddened. Even though you had known him for so many years, this sort of physical contact was uncharted territory.

Nero laughed softly in response to your nervous reaction. This in turn made you blush even more. He pressed his nose to yours and leaned forward. Your breath came in short gasps. He trailed his fingers up and down your arms smoothly, gracefully, the contact causing sparks of electricity to fly inside your body.

"You're such an angel, _____," he whispered, sliding one hand behind you, to the back of your head.

He laced his fingers through your wet locks and pulled you closer. Your bodies touched and he let his eyes slip to a half close. He looked so beautiful and the moment was so heated that you found your own eyes fluttering to a close.

Gently, he touched your supple, soft lips with his own sweet, inviting ones. He moved his mouth till your lips and his were locked in place and you started breathing even faster as he pulled you into his lap. You were perplexed, deep inside, but the kiss was so saccharine and Nero's warmth was so wonderful that you didn't want to pull away.

Then, you heard a sudden, shrill beeping coming from upstairs. This surprised both you and him and you broke away suddenly. His face was slightly flushed, making him look adorable. Without thinking, you kissed his cheek quickly and he looked at you, dazed.

"That's my cell phone," you said. "I'll be right back."

He nodded wordlessly and you slipped off of his lap, leapt off of the sofa and sprinted upstairs, to your room, where you swiped your cell off of your bedside table and plastered it to your ear.

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