Birthdays and Baristas

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Type: IA x Yuma

Requested by IA-AriaOnThePlanetes

Author's Note: This one took me a long time, only because I had so many ideas and I wasn't sure which to use. I was (no joke) going to write (still my idea and I plan to use it, by the way) a story where IA's parents are murdered and she's sold off to a brothel and Yuma saves her...but those have been done a lot...then I came up with this while drinking coffee and twirling a ribbon between my fingers.


Friday afternoons were always the same. I'd be sitting in the local café, my fingers wrapped around a warm mug of some sort of hot beverage, watching my friend scramble around behind the counter, crafting coffees.

He rushed, but that was part of his nature. I smiled to myself. He was a pretty good barista, though. It had interested him, even though he was only doing a job for the money. He managed to land a job that he liked.

I pushed my pale blond hair out of my eyes and brought the steaming mug to my lips, watching him. This Friday afternoon, this whole evening, really, was supposed to be different than every other Friday. It was my birthday, after all, and he had promised something special.

Me and him weren't really anything more than friends, at least, that was what he thought. I liked him, actually liked him, but I hadn't told him. I was also maybe just a bit too curious about his personal life, but he was cool with that. After all, we grew up together.

"Hey!" He waved to me from behind the counter as a customer pulled a bill of of their pocket. "I'll be there in ten, okay?"

I nodded, grinning at him. "No rush, okay, Yuma?"

"Rushing's part of my nature, IA, you know that," he laughed softly, taking the money from the customer and handing back the change. "Besides, today's your big day and I want to make it special."

He got back to work and I drank down the hot chocolate he had made for me. It was amazing, to say the least. There was a hint of coffee in the chocolate and some mint was laced in, as well. Yuma had added a generous topping of whipped cream on top, dotted with flecks of cinnamon powder as well as cocoa powder. I could say that the best part of all this was that it was free, but that'd be a lie.

"Mmm," I was indulging in the drink when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I squeaked in surprise and turned to my right to see Yuma looming over me. He smiled as my blue eyes met his greens.

"You're certainly enjoying yourself," he smirked, crossing his arms.

"It's amazing!" I gushed. "Can you make them like this every time?"

He chuckled. "I made it like that 'cause it's your big day."

"My 'big day' comes yearly," I grinned.

"So you want an annual amazing hot chocolate?" He walked around the small, coal coloured round table and sat down in the chair opposite mine, his elbows on the table and his hands clasped.

I giggled. "Sure, why not?"

"Anyway, you almost done?" He asked. "I know, I shouldn't rush, and really, there isn't a rush, but...I'm sorry."

"Hey, it's fine," I reached forward and clasped his arm, trying to comfort him. His pale pink locks fell over his eyes and he looked down at my hand.

"I should just not say anything," he said.

"I don't want to hear you say that," I snapped. "We're friends, Yuma."

"Right," he nodded, exhaling. "I'm sorry. Finish your drink, I want to take you someplace."

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