At the Window

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Type: Luka x Kaito
Requested by Nyancatkai
Author's Note: Another odd one-shot. Why can't I write normal stories anymore?!

"He's not creepy," I insisted again and again over the course of many weeks. "I don't know who he is, though. He's always got that hood covering his face."

I started seeing him when I was almost seventeen. It was two days before my birthday and the house was empty. There was this little window in the living room, a small, clear pane of glass, and that was where he showed up. I had entered the living room to pick up a notebook that I had left on the sofa.

The area was dark and brown, mostly. The walls were covered with dark brown wallpaper and the furniture was wooden. The lights were all off and it was raining heavily outside. Dull daubs of greyish light passed through the windows and spilled across the wood floor.

I entered the living room and stopped suddenly because he was right there, right outside my window, standing with that hold over his face. It obscured his eyes but I could see the tip of his nose and his lips, which were curled into a small smile. His skin was pale. Slowly, I approached him and got a glimpse of the dark blue hair that touched his cheeks.

"Hello?" I whispered. The window's glass stood between us.

"Happy early birthday," he said before turning and walking away. I held my breath before opening the window and sticking my head out into the rain, getting my coral pink hair drenched.

"Hey!" I yelled as he kept walking. "Come back! Who are you?"

"I'll be at your birthday party!" He yelled back, not bothering to turn around.

Sure enough, there he was, two days later. At first, I waited for him to show up at my door but after all my friends had shown up, I realized. Quickly, I hurried into my living room and looked towards the window. There he was.

"Hello," he said after I opened the window a crack.

"W-Who are you?" I asked.

"Please don't ask me that question."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't like the answer," he said. "I don't like who I am."

I frowned. "Will you come inside?"


He turned and walked away.

I didn't see him after that, not for a few days. I went to the window everyday. I started to stay there, reading something or talking on the phone, waiting for him.

"Luka, are you sure that you actually saw someone?" One of my friends asked about a week after my birthday. She was on the phone with me and I was heading downstairs, to the living room, as usual.

"Yes, I'm sure," I said into the phone. I stepped into the living room and gasped. He was outside again.

"Luka?" My friend called. I ran over to the window. The sun was shining that day. He was still hiding his face.

"He's here," I said into the phone, grunting as I forced the old window open.

"Hang up," he said softly.

I blinked. "What? Why?"


I guess I should've gotten scared but I didn't.

"Miku, I have to go," I said before hanging up and pocketing my phone. I stared at the young man.

"Hello," he smiled.

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