Once Bitten, Twice Shy

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Type: IA x Len

Requested by cherriesmiles

Author's Note: Hello! This one's been in production for about a year now! I started working on it the day the request was placed, I believe. 

Also, I kind of forgot to make Len a shota in this one...he's a bit taller, more handsome than cute...around the "her call, he thought..." part, it occurred to me, "Hey, wait, shouldn't Len be a shota...does he have to be a shota...I can see the appeal of making him like that in this one-shot now, but would it still work with the way I've written him..."

The answer is probably something along the lines of "Maybe."

But I didn't make him a shota...I'm sorry if you wanted him to be one. That could work really well. It just never crossed my mind as I wrote this, until I was almost done.

Apologies. I'll maybe write an IA x Shota!Len soon! It sounds adorable.

Also, maybe I should add a "shota" option to the request page.

Unless you'd rather leave it up to me and be surprised. I guess that's part of the fun, eh?

Tell me, please, all of you. I'd like some input and advice. Thanks.

Also. The opening of this story is mildly inappropriate. Eheheh...


"Len Kagamine!" The principal yelled at the blond teen, jolting him and the girl he was with. They were kissing and touching, and the principal's words had ruined the heated moment. Len scowled momentarily before looking up at the balding old man. "Do I have to pull you out of this corner again?"

"Geez, it's my new corner," Len shrugged, glancing at the blushing girl as she hurriedly fixed her clothes and dashed off. "Great..."

"You have English class right now, Mr. Kagamine," the principal tapped his wristwatch. "Keep this inappropriate touching off of school property and get to class!"

"Hmph," Len scoffed and stood up, running a hand through his hair and stumbling out of the dark corner. "She didn't even give me her number..."

He entered his classroom, earning giggles from the girls and a glare from the teacher. Grinning, he waved flirtatiously to the females and the teacher cleared his throat.

"Len, sit down," he instructed. "You're already late."

"Yeah, yeah," Len walked over to his seat. It was in the last row, at the back of the class, the second desk from the doorway. To his right sat a girl with long, pale blond hair that was tinted pink. To his left sat another girl, with long, strawberry blond hair tied back in a side ponytail. He met her gaze and she giggled, scooting closer to him.

"So, where were you?" She whispered.

"Nowhere," Len smiled innocently.

"With another girl?"

"Actually, I was looking for you, Neru," Len said softly, making the blonde blush furiously.


"Yeah," Len quickly grabbed her hand and glanced towards the teacher. He was writing something on the board. "Neru..."

The blonde giggled softly as Len slowly ran his fingers up her arm. He caressed her shoulder and cheek before slowly shifting closer.

"Ugh!" He heard an expression of disgust coming from his right. He and Neru spun to see the pale blond girl glancing at them with a frown of disapproval in her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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