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Type: IA x Piko
Requested by Desert_Snow
Author's Note: So, apparently, a one-shot like this already exists, and it also involves Piko. When I heard that, I had already written 75% of this, and the person who told me that something like this already existed couldn't find the link (*cough* Lietpol *cough*) and this whole scenario got me really sad and depressed. If anyone can find that oneshot, please tell me! I haven't copied anyone!!
And I know this 'clean up after school with a pretty girl' thing has been done to death...I'm sorry. I was going to write a bullying one but it wasn't working. Please don't kill me. I am sorry for being such a bad and wacky writer!

I have a confession. It's about this girl I've known for three years. When I first saw her, I thought she was a painting. That's how beautiful she was. When I first heard her speak, I thought it was the sound of an angel's soft-spoken, melodious prayer. That's how wonderful she sounded.

And who was I, to fall in love so suddenly, with a girl so perfect? I was nothing. I was a short, small, silver haired boy with big eyes and an unattainable goal. She could never be mine. Why, I don't think she could've been anyone's. That's how divine she was.

I'm glad she never dated or even exhibited interest in anyone over those three years. I'm glad I at least ended up in some of her classes. I'm glad she knew my name, at least. And most of all, I'm more than glad, more than pleased, grateful, or delighted, for what happened one fateful spring afternoon.

It was the last two minutes of class and the teacher had called me up to his desk.

"I have a job for you," he began quietly. The class eyed me. Some of them talked. The girl I loved was packing her things. Her hair was braided in the front, each long braid of a pale pink mixed with vanilla falling down her shoulders, and the rest fell back, untied.


I blinked and looked at my teacher. "Sorry!"

He sighed. "Were you listening?"

"Sort of?" I hung my head. "I'm sorry, teacher..."

"It's fine. All I'm asking is for you to clean up the classroom after school. It'll only take about twenty minutes."

"Alone?" I asked. He laughed.

"No, of course not," he said. "I've already asked IA and she'll be staying and helping, as well."

"IA" I repeated. That was her, the girl I liked. "But she..."

"Is something wrong?" The teacher looked concerned. I shook my head and the bell rang. "Good. You two can start as soon as the classroom empties. I'll be in my office if you need anything."

And with that, he got out of his chair and left. He left me alone.

Me and her.

Me and IA.

We were alone.


And the girl I had a huge crush on for the longest time.


I screamed. IA jolted, taking a step away from me. I looked at her apologetically, my face incredibly red.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I shook my head. "I got scared!"

"It's my fault, I should be sorry!" Her hands fluttered over her petite mouth. "I didn't mean to scare you, Piko!"

"No, no, it's not your fault, I was zoned out!"

"No, I was being insensitive!"

"I'm sorry!" We both said in unison before falling silent. We stared at each other but I couldn't hold the stare for very long because she was even more adorable than usual when she was flustered.

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