Him, His Sister and I

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Type: Len x Reader (done in first person POV)
Requested by Dgraymanlover057

"_______, you're adorable!"

I blushed and pushed my best friend away. She laughed, wrapping her arms around her torso.

"Rin!" I yelled. "Stop!"

"I'm sorry, it's...it's just..." She stifled her laughter and met my eyes. "You really like my brother, don't you?"

"I...I..." I looked away, walking around the room. I stopped by the bed and plopped down with a sigh. "Y-Your brother used to be really cute..."

"Used to be?" She smirked and sat down beside me.

"Yeah, back when we were fourteen-ish," I mumbled. "He's gotten taller now. Taller than me!"

"So you don't like him anymore?" Rin batted her eyelashes and pouted at me. "My best girlfriend has a crush on my brother!"

"I still like him," I said softly. I liked Rin's brother, Len, very much. I felt feverish whenever he was around but I was sure I'd never get him. Even if I told him how I felt, which I wouldn't do in a million years because I was too afraid, he'd say no. He was so popular. All the girls liked him.

"You should tell him," Rin swung her legs back and forth. "How long have you liked him for again?"

"T-Three years..." I stammered. We were all seventeen now and my feelings were as intense as they used to be three years ago.

"And you only told me last year!" Rin scolded. "_______, I thought we were best friends."

"We are!" I said quickly. "Rin, I...I only hesitated because you're his sister."

She grinned deviously. "You should've told me sooner because of that! I know him well and I can set you two up!"

"No thanks!"

"So, what're you going to do, then?" Rin crossed her arms over her chest. "You've liked him for three years. You still like him. You won't tell him how you feel and you won't let your best friend, who happens to be his sister, do anything, either."

"I'm hoping it dies out," I muttered. Rin smacked my back really hard, making me cry out.

"It hasn't died out yet, so it won't!" She yelled.

"What won't die out?"

We looked up and saw my crush standing in the doorway. I nearly fainted. He was naked, save for the towel wrapped his waist. He was soaking wet, his blond hair curtaining his eyes.

"L-Len!" I muttered before falling back onto the sheets. Rin looked down at me before looking at her brother.

"Rin, _______, what're you guys doing in my room?" Len asked. I gasped and scampered off of the bed. Len's bed? I was sitting on Len's bed? Lying in Len's bed? This was all too much for me. Add that to the fact that he was right in front of me with only a towel on, and it's a miracle that I didn't die of a massive nosebleed on the spot.

"Oh, right!" Rin clapped her hands together. "This is Len's room!"

"W-What do you mean, don't you know your way around your own house?" I asked queasily.

"Brother, _______ is looking for your USB memory stick," Rin lied, glancing at me and grinning evilly. "It's driving her crazy!"

"Oh, I'm sorry!" He shook his head apologetically and approached me, making me scream. He froze and stared at me. "A-Are you okay, _______?"

"Yes yes yes yes, I'm perfectly fine!" I said, my right eye twitching madly as I raked my gaze up and down Len's beautiful body. He was so close, I wanted to touch him.

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