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"okay...." Y/n replied in suspicion to her friends somewhat worrying tone. In those few seconds of silence a thought crossed her mind and she let out gasp in surprise.

"Minhye I swear to the heavens above if you got my leg pulled into one of those double blind dates again... may God save you from me." she said as she planned her friends murder in the darkest corner of her mind.

"what?! No! nothing like that... I just wanted you to meet someone. He uh...he propos-" Minhye got cut off midsentence by her hasty friend and she didn't blow just yet because she was used to this kind of childish behaviour from Y/N, which consisted of her abruptly jumping to nonsensical conclusions.

" I knew it! It's a he!" she yelled into the device with self assurance that she was right.

This was one of the things that Y/n struggled with; accepting the fact that she was wrong at times.

"What? How the hell does that prove anything!!" The older bellowed. Trying to turn this conversation into something sensible.

"you probably set me up with someone"

"what?! no~ oh my God..." sighed Minhye, massaging her temples. It was the truth that Minhye did in fact participate more than necessary in her friends dating life, but this particular conversation had nothing to do with Y/n and she would've told her that that had Y/n given her a chance to speak.

" you always do this minhye always!!"

" no Y/n just list-"

"even last time.....that weird Italian guy"

"can you like stop-"

"and that messed up American who kept using big English words for no reason"

" he was a doctor and he was using regular fucking english!" She kept herself from finishing her sentance about how Y/n would've understood the 'big English words' if she had paid the tiniest bit of attention in English period.

" oh and how could I forget that shitty pervert who kept staring way further down then where my face was" she kept rambling on her failed dates,  ignoring her friends polite requests to shut her damn face hole.

"Y/n stop" 

"I don't wanna fuckin date how hard is it to understand"

"Y/n stop..."

"like hello! do I have to tattoo it on my forehead?!"

"you better stop...." she breathed into the phone, trying to control her urge to climb into the device and stab the younger one with a croissant.

"over and over again every darn month" she kept speaking not realizing that she had crossed the limits of her best friends patience with skyrocketing amounts of verbal speech.

"urgh!! shut up and fucking listen will you!!!"  her friends voice echoed through the device making the younger one immediately press her lips into a tight line.

As 'badass' and 'disrespectful' as Y/n was, she turned into a total wimp with the slightest increase of decibels in the elders voice.

Minhye let out a sigh before saying, "meet me at times square mall at 11 if  you value your life"

Minhye let out a sigh before saying, "meet me at times square mall at 11 if  you value your life"

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[yes its a real place, yes I did research, yes I mean I looked it up on google]

"but I think I have wo-" 

"a-a-a-a no more talking. you're meeting me there now- well at 11"  the elder declare with authority in her voice.

" fine..." she sighed into the device, not forgetting to add in an eye roll, all while plopping back down onto her bed.

"good girl....bye Y/N.....see ya" Minhye ended the call before speaking to herself, "I'll make sure you don't hurt him."


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