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listen to the track while reading if you want more feels.......just sayin.



"NO NO NO PLEASE PLEASE LET ME- LET ME- GO-PL-" the wounded man on the floor dragged himself away from Y/n who was  crouched on top of a body.

"sorry." Y/n smirked at the last one before shooting him right in the heart. she got up and rubbed her hands and gun onto her jeans which left red stains all over her clothing. "aish! look at what a mess you've all created." she said to the corpses scattered around the floor as she looked around. she wiped her busted lip. "ouch" she said even though it barely stung at contact. "which one of y'all was it......" she said franticly looking around. "it was you wasn't it, must say you put up a pretty good fight" she said walking towards one of the bodies. "but because of you asshole now ill have to explain this to Minhye!!!" she screamed pointing her gun at her wounded lip.

'bang!!!' she sent another shot into the already dead body lying on the floor "should've at least said sorry " she muttered at it. "jeez.....you see if you would've let me kill him, none of y'all would've died..." she kept speaking to the bodies as she retrieved a bloody knife lying on the floor and cleaned it on her jeans. her phone rang just as she was about to stab the knife into one of the bodies. "ah just in time" she said looking at the caller id.


"I thought I said report to me"

"you said finish the task and then report to you."

"what took you so long."

"ran outta gas. it took me some time to get here, I was literally on the other side of town ya know."

"fine. how many extra?"

"excluding him.....I think 6 more bodies."

"did you have an injury?" 

"yeah I-"

"you see Y/n this is why we want you to have a partner. it wil-"

"I busted my lip....life threatening injury -_-....I doubt a partner would've prevented that from happening anyway."

"*sigh* fine. Sub Team D9 are on their way. they'll take care of the evidence. just make sure no one sees you leaving the place in those clothes, I know how messy you get with the missions."

"yeah, yeah. okay bye tae tae"

"its T-A-E-H-Y-U-N-G for Taehyung. and its Sir Taehyung to you."

"whatever you say..........Tae Tae."

"stay in your lim-" 

Y/n hung up before he could say anything else. she got into her car and drove towards home.

                                                        * Earlier *

"ok Boss, whatever ya want." Y/n replied to the man on the phone and ended the call. Y/n's phone chimed signaling that she had received a message. there was a picture of a man and a message.

Boss aka Tae Tae: Name : Moon Daeshim

Age : 43

Place : Abandoned Construction site behind Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital

He may have some protection with him. He's sure to be carrying weapons. Need him dead within an hour.

me:yo boss, that place is haunted af.

Boss aka Tae Tae: Do you think I care. since when did you start believing 

in all that shit???

Me:since train to Busan

Boss aka Tae Tae:Do you wanna get paid or not??

Me:I was just kidding tae tae, you know nothing

scares the great and powerful Y/n.

Boss aka Tae Tae : sir, and get the job done ASAP

Me:okay, okay jeez

she slid her phone into her pocket and walked towards the table. "uhhh....Guys my Boss called. he said there's some urgent work......so...." she said to them. "awwwwwwwww Y/n don't leave so soon. its barely been half an hour since we talked." Hoseok said. "stay a lil longer Y/n." Minhye said. "ummm I can't really. sorry. we'll meet some other time!! my house or pizza maybe. but I really got to go right now. "pleaaaaseee" Hoseok cooed in his 'Aegyo' voice making yoongis expression morph into one of pure disgust. "your aegyo doesn't work on me Hoseok" Y/n said with a straight face that showed a hint of disgust. "well it was nice catching up Hoseok, bye Minhye ill text ya......and yoo-yoongi......uh bye" she said with a nod trying to avoid eye contact. Yoongi on the other hand only looked up at her for a second and uttered a very quite "bye." it made Minhye's and Hoseok's face light up. He had exchanged forms of verbal speech with her. this was progress, they thought.

she quickly walked away. she sat into her car. "wassup baby" she said to her car that she was oh so in love with, " now where did I keep my other baby...."she said reaching out to under her seat from where she pulled out her 'other baby', A matte black Smith and Wesson M2.0, "there you are.........well then....leggo." she yelled, starting the engine of the car.

"LET THE BASE DRUM GO!!!!" she sang-....... yelled as she stopped the car a little behind the hospital. The construction site was visible from there. she got out of the car and walked towards it. soon enough the place was in clear sight. it was your typical constructed building where the people got bored somewhere in the middle. there was barely any concrete showing. the structure was covered with Graffiti, stuff like 'kyungsoo is not a mic #justiceforkyungsoo' , and 'free hugs inside' were all over the place. she peered through one of the unfinished window. there he was. The man, Moon Daeshim, clad in a black trench coat. he was busy with some one on the phone. She examined the place for anymore people, a total of 6 'workers' were sprawled in different places. she walked in to the ruin, not caring if she got noticed or not.

"who are you??!!" one of the men yelled, as he saw Y/n enter, grabbing the attention of others "ill call you back " Daeshim said as he ended the call. turning towards the commotion. "this place ain't for pretty girls, leave now" another one said. "Ill make this easy ok, you all need to cooperate with me unless you wanna get killed. I ju-" one of them cut her midsentence."HAH! youll kill us ?!. you bett- AAAHH!!!!" he let out a scream as she shot him in the leg. "let me finish" she said with a glare bringing the gun to her lips "ssshhhhh.........now where was I.....I only need him dead" she said pointing to Daeshim with the gun as he started to panic. "so yall better co-operate." she finised. all of them stated looking at each other. "WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??!! GET HER???!!!!!" Daeshim yelled at the men making the men jerk out of their daze and they started lunging towards her pulling out their weapons. " *sigh* why don't they ever listen." Y/n sighed to herself, dodging a dagger.one of them shot her. Y/n back flipped into the air, dodging it again, but it didn't leave her unharmed, it grazed her forearm. "WHOOOOOOOOOOO" she yelled, with the sudden adrenaline rush. "well at least this is gonna be fun." she said smirking to herself.

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