Benny Boy

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A/N: im trying to make it as chronological as possible so it fits the right cast. Cause i put adam here for a split second and he joined newsies in like march of 2013. So probably the next chapter is Corey's birthday!!! Also yES I MADE KARA CALL BEN, BENNY BOY HAHAHAHA.

"Oh hey Benny boy, how was lunch?" Kara asks Ben.
"Hi kara, it was good." He laughs and then looks at me.

I didn't realize i was standing in the corner of the room, quietly watching them until Ben looks at me and clears his throat.

"You must be Alai right?" He steps into the room making it noticeable that he already changed into his Davey costume. He shakes my hands after i confirm that Alai is in fact my name.

"Yeah Corey told me that Kara wanted to introduce you personally to everyone in the cast after you introduced yourself. Im sorry i missed it, as Corey probably told you i was having lunch with some friends" he smiles and I begin to think that theres probably a conspiracy when they cast these boys, cause they are all attractive af, have a perfect smile AND they all seem like really good human beings? wow tHank yOu goD.
I didnt notice i was staring at his lips longer than normal people until he asks me, what i asume would be the same question again, but louder.

"So what are you going to do around here?" I explain that i'll be in charge of the Instagram account and be the photographer of newsies.
"Photographer?? Thats so cool! Do you have a page or something where we can look at the work you've done?" Ben asks.

"Yeah! Let me write you the link so you can look it up later." I write the link on a piece of paper and give it to him. "Hopefully if im lucky you guys will also be able to see an exhibition of my work at the MoMA later this year. I just sent them the portfolio i would want to present and they have to give me the green light, so fingers crossed" i say as i cross my fingers.

"The MoMA?!?!" they both shout.
I smile and say yes.
"Okay young lady, to be 20 years old and get an exhibition at the MoMA is an INCREDIBLE achievement! I havent even know you for 24 hours and im already so proud of you." Kara says as she hugs me.

I laugh and say "wow dont get ahead of yourself i still need the approval of the people at the museum and who knows who else."

"But still, as kara said that is amazing! You should be proud of yourself" Ben says.
"Well thank y-" i couldnt finish because a voice started saying that the doors where open and people were already being seated.

"That means we should go to the side of the stage and get ready for showtime" ben tells me.
"You guys go ahead i have to go to the bathroom really quick" kara says.

We leave and Ben guides me to where everyone is.
"Heyyy there she is" Adam tells the other guys.
"Okay what do you guys do before a show?"
"Usually we pray and send each other good vibes" Andy answers.

I see that kara is already here and everyone gathers in a big circle to pray. I take this to my advantage and snap a few pics. I try to be as quiet as possible so im not disrespectful.

Corey and Andy climb the staircase to their positions, and the overture starts.

"Oh shit" i murmur. Ben looks at me really worried, but i smile and explain that is nothing important. "Its just.... the overture gives me goosebumps" i say kind of embarrassed? I didnt want to look like a crazy fansie. Ben gives me a small laugh and shakes his head "get used to it, cause now you will hear it nonstop since this is your job" i laugh in my head cause boiii if he knew how many times I've listened to the cast album he would think im crazy.

The matinee show ends and everyone is SO sweaty. Let me tell you that a bunch of sweaty guys all gathered in a room doesnt smell like flowers. Thank god they have showers in here cause i dont think it would hygienic or even healthy for them if they stayed like that.

I spot kara running to her dressing room and I follow her.
"So now what?" I ask
"oh NOW we stagedoor Alai, prepare yourself cause i dont know how hectic and crowded is going to get."
"But dont worry! Everyone is so respectful and adorable" she quickly adds after seeing my scared face.

When she finishes dressing up in her sweater and jeans we go out and im greeted with a cool breeze in my face which i love, winter and autumn are my favorite seasons. As we enter Spring, i have to admit that I hate summer with all my heart, dont people know that if you are hot theres no other item of clothing you can take off of you? Instead in winter you can put as many sweaters, scarfs and coats as you need to feel warm. Plus, you can drink coffee and light some candles without feeling like you are in hell.

I take out my camera and start taking pictures of kara and some of the boys who were already out signing some playbills and talking to some fans. As they get back into the theater, suddenly i hear everyone scream. I look at the door and i see Corey and Ben coming out, so i stay with them and take more pictures.

Back at my apartment i fall asleep with a smile on my face thinking wow, this is going to be my life for i dont how many years.

It Could Totally Happen // ben fankhauser Where stories live. Discover now