Our Portraits

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So.... its been a few weeks meaning tonight is my exhibition opening night and tomorrow is my birthday. So the plan is to go to the exhibition and then have all my friends go to the Cott's apartment so we can celebrate my birthday there. They insisted, mostly meg tho, to have it be there cause at first I didn't want to do a single thing for my birthday. Maybe watch some movies and order pizza and ice cream. But then the idea kind of came up to meg when we were talking about it. So thats the plan for tonight.

Also, its Luna's last few days in NY. She's been nothing but wonderful. But Ben and i have been more distant. Mostly because they spend as much time together as they can.
And it breaks my heart cause in a way she's taking him away from me. I miss having long conversations with him. All we do now is say hi to each other and maybe if im lucky, talk about our day.

Im getting ready for tonight.
I dont feel like wearing a dress today. So i go for a black shirt, black pants that have white lines on it making a square patterns. Lastly Kara's brown jacket *which i still haven't returned* and my purse.
I put on some black wing eyeliner, mascara and dark maroon lipstick.
I feel so cool in this outfit. No one can stop me.

When i see the clock above my bed i notice that in order to arrive on time i have to leave now. So i throw everything i need in my purse and get the f*ck out of my apartment.

Most of the days i want to burn every subway in new york but today i thank God that it arrived on time.

I get to the museum and already see a lot of people which is usual because of tourists. But when i get closer i can hear that some people of the staff are telling them to wait cause the exhibition hasnt opened yet. i think to myself, nah they are not here for your exhibition, they can't be, right?
Asi i try to make my way around the sea of people, a guy stops me.

"Mis, you have to wait, there's a lot of people in there and we have to control how many enter and how many leave. Im sorry but please wait in line"

"Oh hi, uhm im Alai, i was making my way to the front desk cause i don't know who i have to inform that i am here and ready to present my exhibition" as i said those last few words he totally looked at me like 'i got u' and told me to follow him.

I present my id and paperwork at the front desk lady and she tells me to go to the second floor.

Already i can see most of my newsies family and a few other friends.
most of them come to me, hug me and wish me the best.

I chat a little bit with Kara and Corey whom are with their significant others, Kevin and Meg, until i have to officially open.

"Guys do you know where Ben is?" I ask since i still haven't seen him.

"He's probably with Luna since this is her last day in New York"

"So he's not coming then?" You can hear betrayal and sadness in my voice.

"I don't know love, im sorry" kara hugs me.

"Im fine, its fine. Its not like i have a 6ft portrait of him in there"

"Im sure he's coming Al" Corey tries to reassure me.

Im called to do the opening speech. I stand in front of the doors that separate my art from these people.

"Hi pals, im Alai and i don't know if im dreaming or not. Since i was younger i have always loved photography and its different ways of seeing the same thing. When i came to America a few years ago i said to myself; Al, you are going to have your photographs in a museum in NY and oddly enough here we are. It took so many rejections from different people and crying until i got the Yes from the MoMA. You only need one confirmation among all the no's to assure yourself that you are in the right path.
Anyway, what you are about to see is a series of 25 portraits, one of them is a self portrait, from people i have encountered myself with. Some didn't know i was taking their photo and maybe never will. And others are friends of mine that i find extremely interesting and love with all my heart. So i'll just stop talking and let you guys in" the security guards open the doors and i start crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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