Yeah, Tragically

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Its been a few months now, in a couple of weeks my exhibition will open at the MoMA. Coincidentally it falls a day before my birthday. So its almost like a birthday present to myself.

At this point i think almost everyone in the cast knows i like ben. Corey and Kara have been telling me to confess my feelings to him, which im terrified about. What if he doesn't like me back? What if i ruin our friendship? What if everything goes to shit and i make things really awkward between us? I cant have that, i cant let myself loose him.

Since everyone is warming up in the boys's dressing room, i went somewhere else to have a myself kind of time. Im on stage, sitting almost at the edge of it, with a guitar in hand. I relax a bit and start playing. The chords come to me fluently, my grandma used to play this song for me all the time.
I start singing the lyrics.

"Your song" by elton john.
I close my eyes, going back home. Imagining my grandma next to me and playing with me. I sing it quietly but halfway through it i get rid of my inhibitions and sing a little bit louder. When i finish i open my eyes and stare quietly at the seats of the theater. Not 5 seconds pass by that someone is clapping.

I turn to the right wing and i see Ben.

"Al that was beautiful, how come i never knew you played the guitar or at LEAST knew you could sing" he says while walks and he sits next to me.

"It never came up i guess" i put the guitar to my other side.

"You were really good"

"Thanks, again" im sooooo blushing, i can actually feel my cheeks burning. "My gandma used to play the guitar and teach me. This was one of the very first song she taught me to play" we stay silent for a moment. This is the moment, now or never. "Listen ben, i've been meaning to tell you somethi-"


"Im sorry" que says while answering the phone.

"Hi, are you already here?" He has a huge smile on his face. "Yeah, just wait a sec"

Of course im only hearing one side of the conversation, but is enough for me to know that something's up.

"Who was that?" I ask him when he hangs up.

"I have and old friend coming over for a few weeks. We went to high school together"

"Oh coolcool"

"And she's at the stagedoor right now so i gotta go"

He gets up and before he''s almost gone, he turns back to me.

"What were you going to say before the call?"

"Oh nothing don't worry" he looks at me like really??
"Hey, its fine. It wasn't that important. Go"

When he's out of sight my smile turns to a thin line. I ran up the stairs, open the door and i start asking questions.

"Who is she? What is she doing here? And what's her relationship with Ben?"

"Woah there, relax. Who's who?" Corey asks

And my question is answered by the door opening and Ben entering with a beautiful girl behind him.

"Oh my god? Luna?!" Corey looks really surprised.

"Surprise?!" She says while going to hug him. Corey looks at me with the same confused and surprised expression.

"Luna, this is Alai. Alai, this is Luna" ben introduces us.



It Could Totally Happen // ben fankhauser Where stories live. Discover now