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The ball rang as a sign that the school period was over. The classroom was echoed by the sound of the chair scratching against the floor, as each and every student in the class slowly got up and started to pack things up.

"Have you seen the movie Six Titans? The new one at the cinema?" Namjoon asked as he approached Jungkook from the front. Jungkook sat a few lines behind him, but Namjoon, as the most dependable student, he had to sit at the front.

"Nope. Why?" Jungkook replied, without taking his eyes off from the books he was putting inside his backpack. "Should we go see it then? I heard it's a good one," he said.

"Alright. What time?" Jungkook agreed. "Around 3pm? I'll wait for you at the bus stop,"

"Okay," he said.

Namjoon parted ways with Jungkook as he turned to the left to his bicycle, just as soon as they stepped out of the school's gate. Everyone was nowhere to be seen, but her.

His eyes were accidentally locked on Yerim's appearance, she was only a few feet away but he could not come up to her and say hi. No one knew about their friendship, other than his friends, and herself.

"She's so stunning today," he whispered under his breath. "Jungkook!" A voice that took him back to reality, made him flinch by the sudden approach and turned his head to the side just to see Hoseok and Jimin smiling at him.

"Where were you looking, huh?" Hoseok asked with a grin. "Were you looking at Yerim? Aw, our Jungkookie is in love," Jimin teased.

"Shut up!" he shouted, but as slow as only them could hear his shout. "Do you know what she replied to me last night?" Jungkook slurred, grinning.

"What?" both of them asked, coincidentally at the same time. Jungkook slid his phone out of his pockets and in an instant opened the conversation of Yerim and him.

my mom was mad because you were spamming me earlier

why? HAHA

because she thought i had a girlfriend and she was like WHO IS YERIMIE IS IT YOUR GIRLFRIEND
i was denying for the entire 2 hours
im dead

oh my god really
im sorry to be the cause for this hehe

its okay HAHAH
its fine

how should i do when my future mother in law is already mad at me :((


im not kidding abhahahahs
sorry kookie ♡♡
i was very bored sorry for spamming lmaooo

"I ship the fuck out of you two," Jimin whispered down his breath. Jungkook's smirk was still painted across his blushed face, unchecked. "You're blushing," Hoseok chuckled.

"No, I'm not!" he protested.

A sudden familiar, cringing laugh could be heard near them, Jungkook turned around to see who it was. "Jinyoung? Why is he there?" Hoseok asked. "Is Seungwan there? I heard he likes her, and you know, Jinyoung and his actions when it comes to girls. To be frankly honest, I don't like him," Jimin said with a frown.

"Who does," Jungkook giggled. Their eyes were wandering around their acquaintances around them. Yerim was still there talking among her friends, but there was someone who wasn't supposed to be there, was there.

"Seungwan isn't there," Jimin said, before moving his gaze to a black car which stopped directly in front of them. "My mom's here. See you tomorrow," he said, leaving both Hoseok and Jungkook in dazed.

"Then, why is Jinyoung there anyway? It's not like he's friends with any of Yerim's. Isn't he?" Hoseok said, his voice full of questions and confusions.

Jungkook was still looking around, having the same question as Hoseok, his eyes locked on a tall guy standing next to Yerim. "Jungkook, my bus has arrived. See you when I see you, bro," he punched his shoulder lightly but Jungkook didn't even budge, he cannot lower his gaze from the guy Yerim was talking to.

Why is she talking to Yugyeom? Thoughts were rushing in his already messed up mind. He knew each and every friend of Yerim, he knew she doesn't have much guy friends other than Sehun, and him, even though they never talked to each other upfront. 

Jungkook knew, Yugyeom wasn't in her circle. In fact, she never talked to him, ever. But why are they having such graceful conversations, eyes looking into each other's as if they were the only ones there. He could see in her eyes, the sparkles in her pupils were so obvious, Yugyeom had been smiling delightly ever since he approached her.

Her smile broadnening, eyes sparkling, they passed by in front of Jungkook whose mind was miserable.

They have feelings for each other.

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