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Drops of rain leaving the pavement all soaked up in water, gloomy day indeed, the bell rang like it always did yet the students were moving slower than they usually were. It was raining cats and dogs, everyone was making the same sound of sighing. Indeed, the nature could make it harder for people to continue living their daily lives.

Footsteps were heavy as he walked through the hallway, even, it was packed with many students wearing the same uniform. He felt a sudden touch on his shoulder, long day ahead of him, making him drained of energy to even turn around to glance over his shoulder, however, through the voice he already knew who the person was.

"Jeon Jungkook," the familiar voice called, as his shoulders were squeezed gently from the back.

"How did you notice me between all of these people?" he asked, glancing down to her face who was now walking by his side. A small smile was slowly approaching her lips.

"How can't I notice my very own Jeon Jungkook?" she giggled. "What happened to your history assignment? When is the due date?"

Right, assignment. He hadn't tell Eunbi anything about the assignment, which was troublesome, because she would be one of the first person to know anything happening in his life among his friends. She, however, was staring right into his eyes as they walked along together, while he was unable to say a word. Embarrassed, nervous, everything was flowing in his blood.

"It w-was fine. The due date was two weeks ago, Namjoon did most of the conversation a group must be doing. I only talked to him though, and she didn't even bother to look at me. But," he paused.

Eunbi's eyes were sparkling as she waited for a continuation, she wanted an answer, but still, he made the situation fell down to a silence.

"But what!" she raised her tone out of annoyance.
"She laughed at my joke," he said, almost instantly after her.

"Guess she is a person who has no sense of humour, then," she slurred.

"What do you mean? I can be funny if I want to, alright! It's just that. . .I've been keeping it hidden all these time," he giggled, trying to sound like he was the best joker in town, yet, only his close friends know how he really is.

"Bullshit, this is not our first time talking,"

The rain bore down mercilessly upon the heart of the city, pounding on the rooftops and turning the cobbled streets of the road in front of the school into a warren of slick stones and muddy waters. There were too many people under the same roof of the bus stop, as if they were already riding on the bus. Sibilant hum of chatters were accompanied by sound of raindrops.

It had become a habit of his, eyes wandering around, and eventually landed on the same person. He had been trying his best to not draw any attentions to her, and her existence, but that was exactly what he had been doing for the past few months.

"It's so cold, it's raining too, how am I supposed to walk home in this condition, ugh!" Eunbi scoffed under her breath.

Though he had an umbrella in his hand, he was focused on somebody else, still.

There she was, shivering under the thick-leaves trees which did not bring any good at all since a few rain drops were still falling, not as heavy as it actually was though. Her hands were all over herself, keeping herself warmth in the cold rain.

His legs, however, hesitated to take a step ahead. There was too much going on in his head. It would be too insane of him to walk over to her, hold the umbrella just for her to walk home―but that was the image he had in his head. Worries were getting clearer in his head, what if she catches a cold?

Jungkook did not want to listen to his hesitation, as he took a step closer to where she was when suddenly an appearance of a person he wished wouldn't be there, sliced through himself making him stop taking any further steps.

As if he had to witness the same thing all over again, gloomy day, him and her, it was such a clear memory in his head, didn't know it would occur once again. He was shocked out of terror, seeing Yugyeom opening his own umbrella and held it for her, as they both walked pass by him in the rain while having a chat, with bright smiles painted across each other's faces.

Why did I even think of doing that anyway? What a fool.

"Jungkook, you have an umbrella and you don't even want to offer it to me? That's how you're going to be now?" Eunbi's loud voice broke him from his thoughts, as he turned around and saw her frowning face.

"I was about to do it, but you asked about it first. Let's go home together, Eunbi. Call it a date in a rain if you want," he smirked, while opening the umbrella and held it on top of his head. He reached out his other hand, asking for her to clasp around and walk together, just like what he had to witness.

"Piss off," she scoffed, smacking the back of his head with her palm as she stood under the same umbrella.

There I was; too busy giving my attention to someone else who doesn't need it, while ignoring someone who was in need.

I am indeed, a fool.

idk where this story is going but hopefully it will turn out to be as perfect as i hoped it would be lol

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