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In between familiar faces dancing to the unfamiliar sound of music, some eyes were locked on the two friends, soon turned to three before the number quickly jumped to five, who were all standing by the food tables at the back of the hall. They could not care less of whatever song was playing or how fun everyone might be having at the moment, they were at their happiest being around delicious foods.

"Who is the caterer? These foods are bomb as fuck," Seokjin said laughingly as he was chewing on the beef dumplings, he had three more in his hands wrapped around in a piece of tissue.

"Have you tried the caramel pudding? I want to take half of them home, I'll be missing the taste so bad in a few months from now," Jungkook sighed.

"So, you're saying you want to keep them up until next summer?" Eunbi asked, glancing up to him, though she was wearing heels but he was still taller than her. God knows how uncomfortable she was feeling in those heels.

"I didn't say that but that's exactly what I meant," he giggled.

Taehyung who was silently eating the rice cake breaking the silence as he stepped forward to stand next to Jungkook, his eyes were checking on Eunbi from her head to her toes before a smile forming up on his lips. "Woah, Jung Eunbi! Look at you! You look like Song Hye-kyo in the behaviour of Jung Eunbi!" he teased.

"Do you want to die?" she groaned in irritation.

Jungkook could not take his eyes off of both of them, watching them silently as they threw shades towards each other to no ends, they had always been like this, but that night it was different. He was feeling some kind of soft stinging in the corner of his heart, he was unsure why, though.

"Shut your mouth for one second and pay my money back," Eunbi slurred, she rolled her eyes while twisting the ends of her hair with her fingers. He could not help but giggle at her childish moves though it was a joke.

"What money?"

"You're such a great actor, Taehyung. I'd give you that," she paused, then.

"You borrowed my money to buy whatever the hell you wanted to buy a month ago, the season has changed and I haven't received anything from you. Did you somehow use my money to buy drugs?"

"Yeah, to kill you," he joked. Seokjin burst in laughter as he was listening to them, before Namjoon joining in too.

"Kim Taehyung! Will you be serious for a second?" Her voice came out louder and irritated, she could feel herself burning up.

"Seriously in love with you," Taehyung chuckled.

Eunbi groaned endlessly in total annoyance, while the boys were laughing in satisfaction of teasing her. It had always been fun to tease Eunbi because she seemed to have a short temper and gets annoyed easily, especially when she was around one of the boys.

"Jungkook, why do you have friends like this stupid creature right here. I can't believe I know someone like you, a total idiot,"


The night was getting deeper, making the weather getting colder, now it really felt like autumn. The cold weather was biting every inch of their skin, though it was obviously more to Eunbi as the dress that she wore was sleeveless and up to her knees. She, on the other hand, was wrapping her hands around herself as she was shivering, she could not handle cold weather very well and she knew that, Jungkook too.

Jungkook, however, was walking next to her without any consents. Both of their homes were not too far from each other and in the same way, and so they decided to walk back home together after sending off the other boys at the bus stop in front of their school.

The event was fun, specifically, the foods were joyous, each of them was delicious and to everyone's surprise, Eunbi won the Best Dress Female category . It was unexpectable, and of course, hectic, as everyone was chanting for Jungkook's name for the same category for Male. It was embarrassing, they weren't sure when will the time come for everyone to realise that they were friends all this time, nothing love related, instead they had been wishing to stab each other to death.

The high heels, too, was another problem, she was in an absolute discomfort half of the event, and now she had to walk home, still in those heels. She was seen walking like a 5 year old kid trying to wear an adult's high heels, but Jungkook just laughed it off saying it won't take too long to arrive.

Yeah, he should think about the difference of feet-wear I was wearing during the school days and tonight. Men are shit.

"Jungkook, I can't feel my body and my legs anymore," she told him, her voice almost came out like a whisper as she was exhausted from, literally everything. A heavy sigh was let out of herself.

He turned to his left, looking at her who was walking unsteady, it was almost invisible about her shivering body but she really was shivering, he didn't know that.

To his surprise, her numb legs started to not functioning and made her fell to the ground, but Jungkook was quick with his actions as he grabbed her hand, wrapping his hand around her as he pulled herself slowly back to her feet again.

"Eunbi!" he shouted, glad he could hold her back, and that was also when he realised how cold her body was. He could feel her shivering and trembling under those dress.

"Eunbi, you're frozen," he sighed. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice was full of worries as he also stared at her eyes worryingly, but her sad eyes told everything.

She wasn't.

"I told you I c-can't feel my legs," she said in her weak voice.

He heaved a heavy sigh, grabbing her hand to stop her from taking another step and crouched down to his knees. Jungkook took off the high heels off of her feet, and in an instant she was relieved with the killing pain from the heels was no longer there biting her feet. He got up to his feet and took off his coat, before wrapping it around her cold body, and crouched down to the ground yet again.

"What are y-you doing?" she asked, stuttering as she was still too weak to function normally.

"Get on me, I'll carry you home," he said.


a little bit too long for what supposed to be a story with short chapters but well! i havent updated in a century so heres a "gift" i guess lol

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