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Jungkook walked into the fast food restaurant as his eyes landed to a familiar face whose eyes were glued down to his phone. He made his way towards the table, squeezing the friend's shoulders gently making him moan in discomfort.

"Ahhh! You can at least greet me better than this," he moaned, face frowning as he opened his arms widely for Jungkook to let go of his hands off his shoulders.

Jungkook giggled. "Did you order yet?"

"No, I was waiting for you. Now that you're standing, might as well go stand in the queue line and order it for me," Taehyung chuckled.

He rolled his eyes to the back of his head in annoyance, heaving a heavy sigh, yet he obeyed and turned to his back before walking to the line of four people in front of the only counter that was opened for order.

"Yo," he flinched as someone slapped his hand, glancing down and he saw the short-haired girl smiling at him. "Order a large set of Double Cheeseburger for me. Thank you," she said, before handing out a note, leaving him standing in the line without a word as his eyes followed her movements.

There they were, look at them, Eunbi and Taehyung. They were like flowers in a garden, they seemed perfect for each other as both of them are attractive. Anyone who glance over to them might think they were a couple, they look cute together.

But that statement of his somehow broke his own heart. He wanted to be in Taehyung's position—for no reason, or for some reason.


"You're so dressed up for McDonalds," Taehyung said as she took a sit across of him.

"Why can't a lady like me get dressed up for McDonalds? Let me wear what I want," she groaned in annoyance, Taehyung will always ended up making her annoyed at some point.

"You called yourself a lady. That's impressive," he laughed, while Eunbi shot him a death glare that he could not notice since he was laughing on his own.

The situation fell down to a silence as both of them were busy on their phone, nothing new. The chatters of customers and the soft sounds of utensils from the kitchen echoing the restaurant. Taehyung glanced up, "Oh, how are your legs?"

"My le-,"
"What happened to your legs? You didn't tell me anything about it?" Jungkook chipped in before Eunbi could even start her words. He exchanged glances from her to Taehyung's face, and they seemed confused, just like he was.

"I forgot to tell you but my legs were bruised for the the past few days. They're okay now, though," she answered as she put a handful of fries into her mouth in one go.

"And you told Taehyung about it but not me? Alright, I see how it is," Jungkook said, there was a clear jealousy in his tone but it was quiet normal of him to behave that way—and so they let it slip away.

"Aw, come on! Now you know about it, that's all that matters!" Eunha said laughingly. Taehyung, however, locking his gaze right to his face, studying his expression in silence before changing the topic before it dies down.

"Where's my balance?" he asked.

Jungkook placed their balances on the table before sitting next to Taehyung, before quickly started to dive in to the fast foods on the table. Though the situation had fell to a silence as they enjoyed their foods, Jungkook's gaze, however, kept on exchanging itself from the burger in his hand to the person sitting in front of him.

I never realised how adorable you were until today.

His heart whispered to himself.

This is not right.
I cannot fall for my friend—


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