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Since then, his life started to slow down. He spoke slowly and only limited words coming out of his mouth. It made him anxious and guilty everytime he saw her face, the same smile she had on her lips as she noticed his presence, the new blooming and flattering heart of his as she smiled to him.

He couldn't tell her just yet, it was too difficult.
It was too difficult for him to keep on liking her—it was also too difficult for him to confront to her. Making Eunbi to feel uncomfortable and ended up not talking to him anymore was the last thing he wanted to happen. He knew it would happen, somehow, somewhere, one day.

It became harder, and harder every day. To see and act normally as if nothing was happening as Namjoon was stealing glances to him, he was under some heavy pressure. This is not right, he kept telling himself.

The last time he fell for his friend, it became a disaster in his life, as he ended up cutting her off and stopped talking to her, not even a word, though she was fine of keeping the friendship but he refused.

And that was what happened to Yerim. Jungkook for sure did not want it to happen to Eunbi and him as well. But, he cannot find any other way for him to move on. That was the only idea he had in his mind.

It was to ditch her.

"Eunbi, can we, like, have a small conversation or something? There's something I need to tell you," he started, as Eunbi changed glances from the waffles in her hand and looked at him. Finding it strange and awkward, she giggled as she told him to go on.

"Well, there's something that apparently, only Namjoon knows about it," he said. His voice was full of horror and nervousness, Eunbi had no idea, making her face was still as cheerful as it already was.

Shocked, she said, " Woah, there's a gossip that I didn't know? Spill the tea, man!"

Jungkook locked his gaze on her sparkling eyes as she waited for an answer, the silence fell deeper though they were in the middle of a park full of people, kids running around, families and couples having a picnic, while there they were, stuck in a moment.

"Jungkook?" she called out, softly. He, finally blinked his eyes as he realised what he was doing. Letting out a heavy sigh as his eyes were wandering around looking for nothing. "What was I talking about?"

"I don't know, you tell me," she said, her voice was full of question.

"I think I forgot what I was about to say. Sorry!" he laughed it off, Eunbi rolled her eyes out of annoyance as she continued eating her waffles.

The secret still remained to himself.


January 20

Hi. When was the last time I wrote something in this journal? Last time I checked, the last thing I wrote was about Yerim. Wow, good old times. But now, I guess. . .I have this one girl that I think, I don't know. I think I like her. But I can't like her, you get me? Of course you don't. I tend to twist my own life and make it seem complicated though it's not. Why are you like this Jeon Jungkook!!!!! I frustrate myself a lot, it's not even surprising anymore. Anyway, I feel very guilty for liking her, I mean, this is not the first time that I'm having a crush on my own friend? And it always failed miserably. I always cut them off from my life so that I could move on, and live my life in peace. The problem is, I don't want to ditch Jung Eunbi!!!!!!!!!!! I love her as a best friend, but apparently. .now, I also love her as my crush. Damn, I'm such an idiot. As if there's nobody else in the goddamn world, look at me falling for my own friend. A whole package of a dumbass. But, yes, there, I said it, dear journal. I like Jung Eunbi, my friend. I've been keeping this since the prom night, she looked like an absolute goddess that night, my heart was beating so fast as she was laying her face on my shoulder. Since then, I couldn't get the thought of her out of my mind. How do I do this!!!!!!! I want to confess, but I'm afraid. I don't want to ruin a friendship. . . .again.

hi i published "Multiplied" yesterday i appreciate it if u give it  a vote and put it in your library! luv u

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