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It was that time of his life, of everyone's lives whose age was same as him, an exciting moment that everyone had been waiting ever since they started stepping into the life of a high school student. It was no other than the last day of school, before they will be receiving the certificate in approximately two weeks from now.

Students were busy talking about future plans, some even wished to be a wife once school ended, while some wished to get into a good university, and a small group of people wanted to leave studies behind and work their asses off.

Talking about university, the CSAT result came out a month ago. It was horrendous, though Jungkook didn't have the time in the world to care if he would get into the top universities in the country, he knew he would get into one somehow. Namjoon, however, was a whole another story. If he didn't end up in one of the three, might as well drink bleach for dinner.

He had a book in his hand, hard-cover, blank and black, it was his journal. It was the first time of him to reveal it to everybody, but he thought it was for his own good as he wanted to collect the pieces of high school memories from their words.

Jungkook made his way towards one of his classmates at the back of the class, approaching him with a touch on the shoulder. "Mingyu, I want you to write something down in this book. You know, I want to keep it as a memory," he smiled.

"Sure thing!" he said, excitedly. He had always been like that, getting excited for nothing. That was also the reason why he got dumped multiple times. Poor guy.

"Am I the first person to write in this book? Woah!" his voice was full of excitement, eyes widened as he started writing.

The book was passed around the classroom, his eyes locked on the empty seat in the corner of the room. He wasn't sure if it was positive or negative of her for being absent on the last day of school, at least she didn't have to be the only one who was not needed to write a piece of note in the book.

Though he wanted her to.


"Eunbi!" he called to her back. The short hair had been a blessing to his eyes, and he did notice she had cut it even shorter, yet, still absolutely stunning. He knew not everyone could pull off that hairstyle without looking like a dumpling.

"What do you want from me?" she turned back, eyes furrowed, saying in an annoyed tone jokingly. He giggled, handing the book over to her, then, "Write something," he said.

"Write what? School is ending and you're making me write an essay. No, thanks," she scoffed.

"Just write something! It's for a longtime memory. Who knows if this would be the last time we would see each other once this ends,"

"That sounds depressing, but that'd be great," she laughed. Jungkook stared at her annoyingly as she let out that squeaky laugh, he remembered how the sound used to make him wish for death in the exact spot, but now it sounded so heavenly.

"Do you want to do it or not?" he asked, annoyed.

"Alright, only if you'd want to buy me a drink. I'm dying to drink the strawberry milk, thank you," she answered before giving him the money for the milk, and snatched the book away from his hands.

A small smirk was slowly painted across his thin lips as he walked out of the scene, leaving Eunbi in the garden at the back of the school. Eyes noticed the empty seat of a bench, decided to take a sit and started flipping the pages.

"Woah, unbelieveable. I thought I was the first one to write in here. Stupid Mingyu the loser took my throne," she scoffed under her breath.

From a page, to another, she flipped endlessly to find an empty page, yet still continue to flip again though she had found one. There were a lot of words written there, not knowing Jungkook was a writer of thoughts, she realised it was his journal—or a diary. Same thing.

January 20.

The date was written there, that was the first thing she noticed. It was the day Jungkook and her went out to see the latest Marvel movie, and she hated it that she fell asleep in the cinema. Curiousity was growing as she wanted to know what he would thought about the day.

It was different than what she thought it would be.

hAAAAAAaaa is it too late now to say sorry

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