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"What are you waiting for?" Yoongi hissed under his breath, irritated with Jungkook who had been standing in front of the school hall for the past twenty minutes. There were countless of people passing by them to walk into the hall, the subtle sound of music playing could be heard and he could not hold back his excitement—yet could not do anything other than waiting for nothing with Jungkook.

"I am waiting for someone," he answered, eyes were still locking on the wide area of his school under the dim lights of an autumn night.

"Are you out of your mind? She has arrived a long time ago, she must've been devouring all of the foods in there," Yoongi snorted, it was too unreal to be true. His irritation was growing even more, almost at the maximum level if he could say that.

"God! You're wasting my time," he added with a loud voice. There, he exploded.

Jungkook's eyes widened, looking at him who was wandering around without a direction, questioning too many things that were left unanswered as Yoongi stepped into the school hall, leaving him behind.

"Yoongi!" he clasped his hand around his, faster than the thunder. Jungkook could clearly hear him cursing under his breath, yet, he took his time to turn around and face him. Yoongi's face was just like a white canvas that was painted by an artist whose mind was miserable and irritated, probably caused by his McDonald's order which took too long to get delivered.

"What else do you want from me? You don't ruin someone's night like this, Jungkook. I'm here to have a good time, and a hundred percent no to being a bodyguard for the night," he said, his voice was full of annoyance and so did his expression.

"When did she walk in? I didn't see her, though?" Jungkook asked, totally ignoring the fact that he did not want to wait any longer or continuing the conversation.

"I thought you had better eyes than me since you've been bragging about how big your eyes are and I have a pair of typical Asian eyes, huh?" he replied.

"When did she walk in was my question," he chimed in, once again, ignoring Yoongi's words.

"Kim Yerim has arrived approximately ten minutes ago, dumbass. She even smiled at me, didn't you notice?" Yoongi groaned, rolling his eyes to the back of his head.

A slow smile was painted across Jungkook's lips, which soon turned to a giggle, as he was shaking his head in disagree.

"What now?" Yoongi said under his breath. Too confused for his brain to function of what was really happening in the current situation. All he wanted to do was leave him alone.

"I wasn't waiting Yerim, I had enough waiting for her, alright? I'm waiting for someone else," he said laughingly.

Yoongi's annoyed face soon turned to a confused expression, the white canvas was now painted as if the artist was confused with the Double Cheeseburger in his hand though he asked for McChicken.

"Jeon Jungkook!"

A familiar voice broke through the questionable situation, both of their heads turned to where the voice came from and an expected face appeared in the scene. A petite girl with dark brown hair, perfectly cut up to her shoulders, the fresh bangs could be seen covering her forehead, the eyeliner was perfectly winged, the lips were in matte red, beige silk dress was perfectly pleated on her body making her look like a total Sex God but at the same time an innocent angel, a Saint.

Their eyes were locked on her, speechless, there was nothing to say. It was almost like they could not recognize who that familiar girl was.

"Damn, what happened to you? Are you the same annoying squeaky voice person I meet everyday?" Yoongi said, amused with what he was witnessing, inserting the sarcasm too.

"Shut your mouth, Min Yoongi," she cussed.

"You really did wait for me, did you? I appreciate that, baby boy," she smirked, touching Jungkook's chin as he was still standing silently looking at her without a word.

Jungkook, however, was wearing a black tuxedo, his bow was perfectly tied and placed in between the collars of his white shirt. His hair was clearly gelled, parting the middle making the left one hanging loosely, showing his forehead like he never did.

"Come on! Why the hell are you still standing there!" she shouted at Jungkook who was still frozen, his brain stopped functioning and he did not know why.

Her squeaky voice took him back to reality as he giggled to himself, walking towards Eunbi who was already inside the hall, following him at the back was Yoongi who was shocked upon seeing her appearance too.

"Damn," Yoongi whispered under his breath.

"If I knew she was that stunning all this time, I would've hit on her, man, you heard me," he added, his voice was slow as it was limited for only Jungkook to hear what he said.

Now that is why people said don't look down on someone with a messy appearance, I understand that now. Completely and absolutely.


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