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The sun was out in the middle of autumn, though it was irritating, it was finally Friday. The week had been crawling so slowly that it made him exhausted by the end of the day. It was nothing new, he was fed up of the life being a student especially in this urban country of South Korea. Everything is a competition―like he could care less.

Half a month left before he will be receiving a certificate and walk out of the school. What a waste of time, he thought, the struggles he had been facing by himself throughout the year ended up with a piece of paper.

Slow steps he took as he climbing up the stairs, turning to his left once he arrived on the third floor and walked up to his house door.

Eyes were widened when he saw someone familiar standing in front of his doorstep.

"Eunbi?" he called out.

The familiar girl whom he had been expecting to be turned around with a small smile.

"What took you so long!" she frowned, smacking the back of his head lightly.

"What are you doing here? You left a minute before I did yet here you are,"

"Stop acting like it's strange seeing me in front of your doorstep," she giggled.

"Anyway, I'm here to ask whether you'll come tomorrow," she added. Her eyes were sparkling as she waited for an answer from him.

To her surprise, a confused expression was painted on Jungkook's face instead. Disappointed, she sighed while rolling her eyes to the back of her head.

"I knew you wouldn't have any ideas about it. Never mind then," she heaved a sigh as she took a step away from him.

She was a second too late when Jungkook clasped his hand around hers, pulling her close to him and looked at her in the eyes. He, wanted his answer.

"What's with tomorrow?" he asked with a questionable tone.

"It's the yearly senior event, kind of like prom night what western people would call but we call it with a different name though. At least our school did that," she answered, her tone wasn't as exciting as it was before now that she knew he didn't know anything about it. Nothing surprising.

"And it's tomorrow? What's it called?"

"Yes, tomorrow night. Seniors' Night Out, whatever the shit. My lips are trembling whenever I had to say the name," she rolled her eyes.

"That's cheeky,"

"More like, very and extremely cringy. Well, now that you already know about it, will you come?" she continued to throw the question she had been wanting to ask, as she placed her hand on top of Jungkook's, pushing it away slowly.

"Maybe? I don't know,"

"There's no maybe. I only accept yes or no. Yes or no?" she protested.

"I have to make sure my other guys are coming too just then I will come to the prom or whatever," he said.

A frowned lips of hers turned to a wide smile once she got what she wanted to know. Eunbi brought her hands near his face, before cupping it in her small palms and slapping them slowly.

"Give me a confirmation tonight, alright?" her smile broadened making her cheeks look chubby with her eyes turned to crescents.

He nodded. Eunbi pinched his left cheek before making her way to the stairs, leaving the place. His eyes were locked to her small movements, too adorable to not stare at.

"Wait, Eunbi! Why did you ask me all of that?!" he shouted once he came to his right mind, realising what just happened just as she was already on the second floor.

"Because I want to attend but I won't if you won't! Idiot!" she shouted from the lower floor.

Jungkook chuckled to her squeaky voice, before pressing on the passcode and pushed the door open with his body.


Jungkook browsed through his closet trying to find an outfit for tomorrow night. It was a very last minute event, at least it was for him. T-shirts were the only thing he could see in his closet, with the similar colours, black and white.

"Ugh, why am I such a boring person?" he whispered down his breath.

Soft buzz was coming from his back, realising that he had received a text. He turned to his back and made his way to his cell phone that was placed on the study table.

Jung Eunbing:
where is my confirmation you idiot

Hahahaha i forgot to tell you
I was searching for something to wear

Jung Eunbing:
ok alright what do you say now?????????????????


Jung Eunbing:
for god's sake try finishing your words for once will you?

im not coming

Jung Eunbing:
what the actual hell in the pits of hell are you fracking fricking kidding me you stupid bum im so done with your existence why are you always doing this to me oh my god im so close to end our friendship every single day this is your 50th trial you dipshit

If you're not coming :)

Jung Eunbing:

im coming dumbass try connecting my words for once will you?

Jung Eunbing:
suck an ass you ass
okokok thanks sweetie ♡

you really have no friends dont you

Jung Eunbing:
shut up omg

all of my guys are coming

Jung Eunbing:
will taehyung be there


Jung Eunbing:
im asking pls i need an answer dont make me wait the whole day AGAIN

my question is why do you ask about taehyung

Jung Eunbing:
you're so frustrating
whatever bye

yes he's coming. why?

Jung Eunbing:
SEE isnt that easy just fricking answer the question geez
because he needs to pay my money back. that ungrateful son of a bitch

oh hahahahahah i thought it was something else

Jung Eunbing:
lol what could it even be???

k bye i have to find an outfit
c ya

Jung Eunbing:

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