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What am I feeling?

The unanswered question that had been lingering on his mind for almost two months now. He had nobody to let it out, it would be a pain in the ass to be talking about something without mentioning who it is about. Hell of a no would he ever tell his friends it was about Eunbi all along. That would be the last thing he would do, he could not imagine how embarassing it would be to confess 'Oh guys, I like Eunbi.'

Fuck. What was that?

What was that thought? Jungkook shook his head lightly, telling himself that was not what he had been keeping to himself. It's not, isn't it?

"Do you need anything? I'm thirsty," a voice that had successfully broke him from his unanswered thoughts. He glanced up from the bed sheet and looked at the direction of a friend standing in front of him. The unfamiliar, yet, familiar bedroom of Namjoon was surrounding him.

"Uh," he stuttered, then.
"I guess I'm thirsty too. A glass of water would be nice, thanks," he finally said, and Namjoon walked out of his bedroom—again, leaving Jungkook all alone with his thoughts.

Namjoon. He thought. Namjoon was the only reliable friend other than Seokjin, he is more of a jokester than a very serious one. He had been Jungkook's only shoulders to cry on other than Taehyung because he, himself, is excellent in keeping secrets and let everything seem unproblematic—unlike Jungkook's life.

Should I tell him?

"Here's your water,"
Without him realising, he was standing in front of his bed handing over the glass of water of his request. Jungkook grabbed it and took a sip, another sip until there was only half left.

"Damn, there's no water at your house, bro?" he joked, as he took a sit next to Jungkook on his own bed, while Jungkook just laughed it off with an awkward giggle.

Should I? How do I start?

Millions and trillions of thoughts were running around his mind, he didn't know where or how to start. He made it seem more complicated than it already was.

"Namjoon, I want to ask you something," he started off, and in an instant he glanced over to look at him with an expression of anticipation. "Go on," he said.

"How to stop liking someone you're not supposed to have any feelings to?" Jungkook asked, finally let out the question from his heavy heart—though it was still quiet heavy since he hadn't yet tell who the person he was talking about.

"Just asking, though," he added with a giggle.

Namjoon drew a breath, before he started. "Well, I'm no professional in lovey-dovey stuff, I, myself has only been in a relationship once which, you know, didn't stay long. But, I guess you just have to think about why you shouldn't like that person? I mean, of course you have a reason to like somebody but in this case, you also have a reason to not like that particular person, right?"

"Correct," he responded.

"And so what is the reason why you can't continue liking this person?" he asked, and Jungkook stayed silent. His lips felt like they were ice frozen, he couldn't let the simple word slip out of his mouth.

"Well. . .I do feel like I have the rights to protect this person from any danger, and at the same time protecting this person from talking to anybody who would bring harm to themselves. But so far, this person has been talking to this other person, which wouldn't bring any harms to this particular person but I still feel like they shouldn't talk to each other,"

"As if you only want this person for yourself?" Namjoon chipped in.

"Yes, unfortunately, yes. It's so selfish and I don't want that to happen because we're all friends," he said, sighing.

"Friends?" his eyebrows plunged to a frown as he heard the word, friends.

Oh shit.

There was no way he could turn the time back, or changing his words, he didn't know how to do so. "Well, yes, friends. That's the problem, I like my own friend, again. Of course, I don't want that to happen because you know, I'd always end up ditching them in order for myself to stop having feelings for them. Stupid bum," he sighed.

Namjoon's eyes widened. "You like guys, bro?" his voice was full of questions, but that was absolutely not what Jungkook thought he would assume.

"No! Gosh, Namjoon, if I had to be homosexual I could do better than liking any of my guy friends," he rolled his eyes in disbelief.

"Then?" he asked, yet again.

He heaved a long and heavy sigh, it took him a few seconds before he managed to look into Namjoon's eyes. "I think I like. . .her,"

"I like Jung Eunbi, my best friend," he added.

:))))))  i gotta wrap up this book as fast as i can because i want to start a new book soon titled "Multiplied"!


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