How They Met

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Today is a big day, it's Shu's first day of 1st Grade!" Okay Shu, remember to behave yourself and have fun!" His mother said cheerfully. Shu smiles and hugs his mom." See you later mom! I love you!" He says and walks out the apartment. The school isn't so far away, so Shu decided to walk there." Hey!" A boy yelled out. Shu looked behind him and saw a blue haired boy. His shirt was undone, and his tie was hanging." Hi there! My name is Valt Aoi! What's your name?" Valt asks him." My name is Shu Kurenai." Shu says cheerfully." Wanna be friends?" Valt asks him. Shu nods and smiles, Valt walked with Shu to school.

"It looks like Valt made a new friend. I'm proud of him." One of the teachers say. All the teachers nod and watch the children play outside.

Valt Pov

I'm glad me and Shu are friends! He's a cool guy, very fun to be around." Hey Shu!" I say waving my hand. He's sitting in the sandbox, I wonder what he's making?" Hey Valt! Wanna help me?" Shu says patting the sand into a pile. I love sand mountains!" Yes!" I yelled out jumping up and down. I'm so happy!

Shu Pov

Valt is very hyper, it's so funny when he's like that." Your really funny Valt!" I say to him."I'm not as funny as you Shu!" He responds. Me and him played in the sand until recess was over. We went inside and got ready for our nap time. Valt starts to yawn, and I do the same. Today was fun! I made a new friend, and we played together. I'm glad me and Valt are friends, everything is better with him around.

The parents of the other children in the school started getting picked up. My mom and Valt's mom were talking to each other." I'm so glad Valt and Shu are friends, is it okay if Shu stays over?" Valt's mom asks Shu's mom." That would be nice! Shu, Valt come here." My mom said happily. I told Valt to follow me and we went to our parents." Would you like to stay over Shu? So you and Valt can hang out" Valt's mom asks me. I looked at Valt and he had stars in his eyes. I gladly took the invitation. I hugged my mom goodbye and went with Valt and his mom home. I'm so happy now! I can spend more time with Valt!

Valt Pov

Shu is staying over! I can't wait!" Come on Shu!" I say. Shu smiled at me." I'm coming Valt!" He responds back. My mother opens the door and holds it open." Come now you two, a whole night of fun awaits!" My mom says with a smile. Shu and I smile at each other and we headed to the car.

Regular Pov~

The two boys were making each other laugh, playing games in the car." Take a look at this face!" Valt says as he makes a duck face. Shu starts to laugh." Hahah, Valt your face!" Shu says laughing. Valt does a victory dance and Shu starts to laugh more. They finally reached Valt's home." We're here! Are you two ready for a night of fun!" Valt's mom says with Joy. Shu and Valt nod their heads in unison. The two boys unbuckle their seatbelts and waited for Valt's mom to open the door for them." Thank you!" Shu says hopping out of the car. Valt was standing next to his mom with a big smile." Let's go in the house. You two need a bath!" Valt's mom says. The two boys start grinning and runs to the front door." I win!" Shu argues with Valt." I'm pretty sure I won!" Valt says arguing back. After the argument they started to laugh." Okay you two, remember baths, after that you can have fun!" Valt's mom says unlocking  the door. Shu and Valt rush into the house, taking their shoes off and running upstairs." You go first Valt. I'll wait." Shu says to Valt. Valt rushes in the bathroom." If you two are hungry there's food downstairs, ask me and I will make a plate for you." Valt's mom says.

Shu's Pov

Today couldn't get any better! Making a new friend, and now a fun sleepover! I thanked Valt's mom and waited outside of the bathroom door for Valt to come out. A few minutes later, he comes out." Here ya go Shu!" Valt says handing me a towel. I take the towel and head into the bathroom.

I started to dry myself off until I realized..I HAVE NO UNDERWEAR!!" Hey Shu, your mom dropped off some clothes for you. I cover myself with the towel and open the door. She hands me a bag with all my stuff in it. I could hear Valt laughing from outside, but I don't mind.

I finished putting my pajamas on and opened the door, Valt waited in the hallway, it seemed as if he was tired." Hey Valt, you Okay?" I ask him. He starts to stretch and stands up." Yep I'm okay. But I am starving." He says rubbing his stomach. I start to laugh and my stomach starts to growl." Same here Valt."I say to him. He smiles and goes downstairs.

After the meal~(Regular)

Valt and Shu finished eating and headed upstairs, it was getting late." What time is it?" Valt asks Shu. Shu shrugs and goes to Valt's bed." I'm not tired are you?" Shu asks Valt. Valt shakes his head and heads to his bed. Shu lays back on Valt's bed, Valt does the same." What would you like to do Shu?" Valt asks him." I'm not sure. Im clueless."Shu says with a chuckle. It was complete silence, Shu looks for a way to break the silence." I spy, with my little eye. That starts with the letter "V" ." He says with a laugh. Valt laughed and said it was him, and Shu laughed along. They played eye spy until they went to sleep.


Shu's Pov

I knew it was morning when the light hit my eyes, but that's not the only thing, there were two feet on my mouth..wait..HOW DID THAT HAPPEN!?!? I then realized that they were Valt's feet and moved them." Morning Sleepy head!" I say knocking on his head. He must be a heavy sleeper, so I'll let him sleep. Valt then wakes up and says 'Good morning' to me. I wish I could go back in time and spend the night again, it was fun hanging out with Valt.

"Hey Shu, your up early.." Valt says rubbing his eyes. I start to yawn and then I hear footsteps." I think that's your mom." I say to Valt. Valt nods and lays back down. He's probably tired." Good morning party animals! How did you guys sleep?" Valt's mom asks us. Valt went back to sleep and I said ' I slept well, but I'm still tired'. Valt's mom just nods and heads back downstairs. I went and layed back down next to Valt, who is still asleep. I then close my eyes and enter my dream world.


☄🎆🎇🎑🎉🎉Hai guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I thanking Melany_martinez0425 for helping me create this Fanfiction! Thanks Melany! And HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!🎉🎉🎑✨🎆☄

HAPPY 2018😆

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