Crimson Knight

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Valt POV

I can't take it anymore. The bruises got worse, his laughs grew louder, as I cried to be saved. All I could dream about is him, I couldn't think of anything else but.. being killed here.

"...Shu..." I said quietly to myself. He's probably worried sick about me, but I know Shu.. he won't stop until he finds me." Ahh~ Look who's awake heheh.. how was the punishment I gave you~" Sisco said to me, kneeling on one knee. He lifted my head to make me look at him, he had a huge smirk placed upon his face. I didn't say anything, I've been here long enough to know what he would do to me if I spoke. He'd force himself inside me, pounding every inch of his length into me. So I just stared with a blank look on my face. Sisco's smile then faded, he put his hand on my cheek. I just stared at him and closed my eyes.. my arms, legs, and my entire body hurts. What is he trying to do? He picks me up, he sits on the bed and lays me in his lap. I flinch at this, I remember this position..

I tried not to scream, my back side hurts! " Valt.." he says quietly. I was crying now, I couldn't stop the tears. He wiped them away with his thumbs and kissed my forehead." Your gonna be staying with me for a while.. no one is coming to find you, " he says in my ear darkly." But.. your boyfriend and your other friends." He says with a smirk. He started to kiss my neck, biting on the bitemarks he left last night. I can't take it, I want to die, there's no point of me living here if I'm just gonna be used as a toy. I told Sisco to kill me, I told him to make my death miserable, I told him I wanted to die. Sisco stopped kissing my neck and stared at my eyes." None of my victims wanted to die.. not one.." he said to me." It's because of what I'm doing.. isn't it." He says wrapping his arms around my body. I just turned to other way." Heh.. so this is it then hm? You want to die." He says making me face him. His piercing purple eyes turned dark, his grip became tighter.. his teeth were baring.

I fell into his chest, I heard a gasp come from him." Yes Sisco.. I can't take the pain anymore.. I can't stand another day away from Shu.. I-" he closed my mouth. At this point Sisco was tearing up." Do you think I wanted to do this Valt, did you think i wanted to abuse your body?! No! I never wanted to, but he made me!" He held onto me tighter." The truth is Valt.. I wanted you to stay happy. You.. made me happy. You paired me up with Cuza, ever since that day.. I wanted to help you." He says quietly. He looked at me and asked if I wanted to hear the truth. I nodded slightly." Free.. knocked on my door and asked to speak with me. Cuza shook his head, I promised him I would be back, I promised him! Free took me to his room, and slammed the door shut.." Sisco went on. I slowly wrapped my arms around Sisco, though it hurt to move my muscles.

" He said to me that he knew about me.. he knew I was capable of hurting someone."

"Show me the real Sisco Carlisle"

" He said. He then showed me a picture of you with Shu.. that he tore apart..."

"Do you see this Sisco, he is becoming a problem.. I want him gone!"

Free was behind this!? And why am I'm becoming a problem to him? What did I do to him? Sisco stopped before he went on, he laid me down on the bed and went into his closet. When he came out, he had a nursing kit in his hand." I can't believe I went through with this.." he says cleaning the cut wounds on my body.

" P-please.. go on." I said. He nodded and continued." I said that I wasn't going to hurt you, and that you've done so much for me. Free didn't care about it, he then told me that he was in love with Shu Kurenai.. your boyfriend.." he says wrapping the cuts in bandages. So Free is the type of person to make others do his bidding. A control freak." I told him I wasn't going to do it, but he took it to far. H-he... he." He was crying, I tried drying his tears with my other arm, but he shook his head." I-it okay Valt..." He said before wiping his tears." H-he said he would kill Cuza. His eyes glew a bright yellow.. with a huge smile in his face. He kept me in that room for 5 weeks, and then let me go to get rid of you." He sighed and looked at the bruises." That's tough.. I'm sorry.." I said. Sisco shook his head, "You shouldn't apologize Valt.. this is my fault.."

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