This could be a start.. (Short Sakura Story)

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Valt Pov

I guess he isn't comfortable around me, I'll try tomorrow. Oh that's right, me and my friends are going to The Fields of Sakura Trees. I just hope Shu opens up to me and the others. Shu slept, it was 12:00, and I still haven't went to sleep yet. " I will do my best." I say to myself and went to sleep.


Valt was the first to wake up. He jumped out of his bed and headed over Shu's bed." Hey Shu, wake up." He says to him quietly. Shu opens his eyes slowly. " Valt?" Shu questions him." Today is a big day! Come on, let's go!" Valt says pulling him up.

Shu Pov

This is weird. Why is it a big day? "Valt let me go and tell me what is so 'big' about today." I say to him. He smiles." It's a surprise." He says and walks over to his bed. I guess he isn't as bad, but.. I still don't trust him." Okay okay, I'm up." I say and get up from my bed.

Valt finished getting dressed and headed for the door." I'll be right back, I'm gonna check on Rantaro and the others." Valt says with a smile and walks to the door next to us. Today might actually be fun.

Time Skip~

Valt Pov

Wakiya and Rantaro were holding hands! I'm so happy, I'm gonna tease them later. Anyway, It seems like Shu likes Sakura trees. He brought a journal and wrote in it everytime we stopped by a tree. "Hey Valt, me and Wakiya are gonna rest for a bit. Is that okay little buddy?" Rantaro says with a smile. I just smile and let them go. Daigo and Ken are sleeping under a tree. I see Shu looking at a Sakura Tree, the flower petals were falling. It was a beautiful sight. " It's amazing isn't it?" I asked him. Shu turned to me and had a smile on his face." It really is.. thank you for taking me here Valt." Shu says quietly." Hey Shu, is it okay if I can see what you have wrote your journal?" I asked nervously. He handed me the book and walked towards the tree. I just smiled and read what he wrote.

💮Cherry Blossom💮

💮- The Cherry Blossom represents the fragility and beauty of its life.

💮- It's a reminder that life is Overwhelmingly beautiful but also tragically short.

I just stared at his journal. "Life is Overwhelmingly beautiful but also tragically short.", that part got me. I think I should come here more often. I closed the journal and looked at Shu. He was smiling and had his hand on the tree. I walked over to give his journal back, smiling. He looked at me then smiled." Was the information good enough?" He asks me. I nod." It's amazing Shu!" I say. He takes his journal back and stops smiling. At least I got to see him smile." Um.. thanks again Valt, but I have to go." Shu says and walks off." H..hey Shu!" I yelled out but it was no use, he ignored me and headed back to the Canvas. I just sighed and sat under the tree Shu used to be under." At least we had a small conversation." I say to myself. I looked at the others, they seemed happy." Shu.." I say to myself.

Maybe I can take you hereMore often

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Maybe I can take you here
More often


Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for the short chapter, please forgive me😟

I will make it up to you,
Would you guys want the next chapter
To be sad? (oh the feels😣)
Let me know, and I can see
What I can do ^^

Thank you guys so much for the support! 🌸

Luv you guys. Peace✌🏼

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