Can you Promise me?

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Thank you for the votes and nice comments last chapter! You guys are very supportive!
________________________Shu X Valt____

Shu and Valt slept in for today. School wasn't on their mind, peace and sleep was. Valt's mom walks up the steps to Valt's room." Hey guys..sorry to bother you. Shu your mom said that she's going out of town, you are allowed to stay here until she comes back!" Valt's mom says joyfully. Shu was so happy, he woke Valt." VALT I CAN STAY THE NIGHT AGAIN!" He says screaming. Valt smiles brightly." YAY, I'M SO EXCITED FOR TONIGHT!". The boys got up from the bed and went downstairs." I got breakfast ready!" Valt's mom says happily." Thank you!" Shu says with a boost of energy. Valt hugs his mom." Oh, I received an invitation from Xander's mom. Would you like to go see them?" She asks Valt. Valt starts to grin." Hey Shu, would you like to come? It's gonna be fun!" Valt says putting a hand on his shoulder. Shu smiles and puts a thumbs up." I can't wait!" Shu exclaims. Shu and Valt finished eating and headed upstairs.

Shu Pov

Today I'm gonna meet someone named Xander. Valt won't stop shaking me and I can't stop laughing." Ah Valt! Can you please stop shaking me Hahaha!" I say laughing my head off. Valt started to laugh to. He finally stopped shaking me, and told me to come upstairs with him." Come on Shu! A day of fun awaits us!" Valt says happily. I nodded my head." Okay Valt. I'm gonna go and get dressed in the bathroom." I say and bring my clothes to the bathroom.

Valt Pov

Yes! I get to see Xander! I will prove to him that I'm stronger than him! I start to take my pjs off and find some clothes to wear." Where is my shoe?" I say to myself. Shu comes in my room laughing." Were you looking for this Valt?" He says. I start to laugh." What are you doing with my shoe?" I ask him laughing. He just shrugs and tosses it to me. He said he was gonna wait for me, and I said 'Okay'. I put my shoes on and flopped on the floor." Yay I can be a fish now!" Shu says flopping like a fish next to me. I couldn't stop laughing. He finished flopping on my floor and started to laugh. He layed next to me with his arms behind his head." Are you ready Valt?" He asks me. I nod and got up. He gets up after me and heads downstairs.

Time Skip

On the way to the park, Valt and Shu acted as if they were airplanes or jets." The target has been spotted, I'm going in." Valt says spinning in circles. "You have crash landed." Shu says with a laugh. Valt falls then puts a hand behind his head." Haha of course I did." He says. They see Xander and his mom waiting for them."Hey there!" Xander yells out to them. Valt runs to Xander."Hi Xander!" He says. Shu walks up to them and sighs. Valt's mom puts a hand on Shu's shoulder." Go have fun, it's okay to be shy, just open up a little." She says. Shu nods and says Hi to Xander. Xander responds back with a 'Hey' and puts an arm around Shu." It's good to see you again Valt." Xander says with a big smile. Valt tries to push Xander but he doesn't budge." Poor Valt." Shu says to himself. Valt had tired himself out and decided just to watch Xander skip rocks, with Shu beside him.

 Valt had tired himself out and decided just to watch Xander skip rocks, with Shu beside him

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"Hey Valt! Come here for a second!" Shu exclaims. Valt walks over to Shu with a curious face. But Valt didn't notice how dangerously close he was to the pond." Hey Shu what's up?" Valt asks. Shu walks up to him and pushes him in the water, and jumps in after." Meanie! You could've warned me at least!" Valt exclaims." I'M COMING IN!!" Xander exclaims and jumps in. They played in the water for a while until it was time for Xander to go." It was nice meeting you Shu! And Valt, keep your hopes high, you might surpass me one day!" Xander says with a laugh. Xander and his mom left. Valt's mom was laughing a little." Did you two have fun?" She asked. Shu and Valt noded their heads in unison and laughed. Valt's mom smiled at this and took them back home." You two need to hurry and take your baths, you don't want to catch a cold." Valt's mom says worried. Valt and Shu nod and headed upstairs." You can go first Shu." Valt says with an evil smile. Shu just smiled and headed in the bathroom.

Shu's Pov

I was looking forward to this day! Meeting Xander has been a blast, with Valt around, it couldn't get any better!" Hey Valt, do you mind getting my clothes?" I asked through the door. I heard him say yes and rush to his room. He opened the door slightly and handed my clothes to me. I thanked him and put the bag of clothes on the sink." Thanks Valt!" I yell through the door and hopped into the bath.

Valt Pov

Playing with Xander again was so much fun! Shu was there with me, anything can go well." Your welcome Shu!" I yelled back through the door. I waited outside for a few minutes and Shu finally came out." The bathroom is yours now Valt." Shu says with a smile. I quickly head in and start the bath up with warm water." Hey Shu you still there?" I say washing myself. He answers back." Yeah I'm here, what's wrong?" He says in a concerned tone." I need to talk to you after I'm done in here." I say to him. I didn't get a response from him, but I knew he understood. I got out the tub and dried off. I then put my pjs on and headed out of the bathroom door. Shu stood at the opposite side of the bathroom door, he didn't seem happy. I got his attention and he followed me to me room.

In the room (Normal)

Shu and Valt enter the room in silence. They sat next to each other on the bed and Valt was the first to speak." Shu. I just wanted to say was anywhere we go, travel, or stay..can you promise me that we will always stay friends?" Valt asked him with teary eyes. Shu hugs Valt." We will always be friends Valt. No matter what.." Shu says with tears in his eyes. They let each other go and wipe their tears." It's good to know that Shu! I'm glad we got to know each other and I'm glad that we are friends." Valt says with a smile. Shu smiles back." We're not just friends, we are friends forever." Shu says with a smile.

"Our bond is strong, our trust is steel

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"Our bond is strong, our trust is steel. The might of our words can solve world ordeals. Together we might, together we say

Friends Forever

Together we stay


Hai guys! I now present to you, my second chapter of this fanfiction! I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter!

*has military force with me* Don't mind me, I'm guarding this ship.


Thanks for reading my friends!🙂

P.S: Sorry for the bad poem I thought i couldn't make up a cute friendship quote🙁

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