Will You Be Mine Valt Aoi

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Shu felt warm, soft lips hit his. Shu slowly closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around Free. Free put a hand on Shu's cheek, caressing it as he kissed Shu. Once their lips parted, Free was the first to speak." You must've wanted that kiss, hm?" Free says staring into Shu's eyes. Shu didn't say anything back, his mind went completely blank. Shu snapped out of it and realized what happened." Free, what did I just do!" He says freaking out a bit. Free just smiled at Shu, seeing him freak out over a kiss.. made his heart race.

" Well, it wasn't you. I kissed you, you just kissed me back." He says calmly, trying to calm the white haired male. Free captured the taller males lips again and smiled just a bit." Shu, I know your heart belongs to Valt. I respect that.. but," Free says grabbing onto Shu's shirt. "I had.. a dream about you. I have them everyday, but I never knew you." Shu stared at the blonde, closing the gap between them." I wanted to figure out why you were in my dreams, and I couldn't figure out why." Free says tightly gripping Shu's shirt. Shu brought Free into a hug, rubbing his back." I know how that feels Free, it's absolutly traumatizing. I have those dreams too.. but they are.. sexual...." Shu stopped, he didn't want to go any further." I understand Shu," Free says closing his eyes. "Sometimes dreams like that, suddenly pops up." Shu lifted Free's chin, so that he was looking into his eyes. Free's heart was beating, but he wanted it to stop. Shu took Free by surprise, carrying him bridal style.

Free looked away from Shu, hiding his blush. Shu didn't look Free's way either, he was looking out to the ocean, that has darken under the night sky. Shu smiled and looked at the blonde in his arms." I'll take you to your dorm, stay quiet okay." Shu says to him softly. Free nodded and turned to face Shu, who was looking down at him. Free tilted his head a little and felt something wet hit his shirt. He looked up to see Shu with tears running down his eyes.

Free's Pov

At that moment, I just wanted to hug Shu. This must be to much pressure on him. That's why, I need to get over him." Shu I j-" I covered my mouth, he looked at me and smiled.


I screamed to myself. Valt belonged with Shu, not me." Free, once we get to your dorm, I need to ask you something." Shu said to me. I just nodded, putting my head against Shu's warm body.

"He's all yours. Take him."

Why won't these voices leave! I don't like Shu, I don't like Shu, I don't like Shu!! I looked at him again, and saw a smirk come across his face." Hm?" I hear him say." Is this about Valt?" I ask him. He just nods and continues to walk.

Once we got to my dorm, Shu put me down." What were you gonna ask me Shu." I say to him.

"How should I show my love towards Valt.."

My heart skipped a beat, why would he wanna know about something like that? Shu looked into my eyes, walking towards me slowly." Shu I-" I was cut off, I felt his hand on my hips." Can you think of anything.. pleasurable?" He says in my ear. His voice sent chills down my spine, oh how I wanted to hear it again. I turned the other way, trying not to blush. I can feel his breath on my neck." Why would you wanna know about something like that?!" I screamed, pushing him off of me." I want Valt to know that I love him, I know me and him aren't together or anything.. but," Shu licked his lips." I want to see his reaction.. I want to hear him say my name."

After hearing what he said, I know why he's doing this. He wants Valt to know his feelings through his pleasured desires. I won't stop him either, though I know Valt isn't ready." Are you sure this is what you want?" I asked him, tilting my head. Shu covered his mouth." A-ah.. never mind." He ran down the hallway, but I just smiled. I know something beautiful would happen. I walked into my empty dorm room, feeling.. more happier.

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