Shu's Transfer

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Shu's life kept getting worse and worse. Leaving Valt was one thing, and the other.. his father kept coming to take him.

"We wanted to have a calm conversation with you." Shu's mother says holding Shu's hand softly. His father was at the other side of the table, holding a letter in his hands." I just want my son to myself, and if you won't give him to me, I'll take him myself!" He says and gets up from the table. Shu's mother tells him to run, and he does what he's told. His father ran after him and pulled him by the arm, his mother trying to get him off of Shu. He then feels a weird feeling in his shoulder.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!!" Shu screams at his father. His father runs out of the house, leaving Shu in pain. His mother runs to him and holds him in her arms.

"Please bring an ambulance! My son is suffering lots of pain!!" She screams through the phone.

Shu was taken to the hospital, the damage in his shoulder was helped. But it kept coming back.

Shu is now 15, his mother had to send him to a boarding school.

Shu's Pov

"I'm sorry that you have to go there Shu, but it's the safest place for you to be." My mother says to me bandaging my shoulder." I understand mom, I just hope he doesn't find me there." I say to her calmly. She holds me close to her and starts to cry." I'm so sorry you had to deal with that Shu. Does it still hurt?" She asks me. I nod my head." It's been hurting for a while now, but the doctors couldn't help me." I say to her. " I just hope he didn't damage your shoulder completely." She says with a hint of worry. I smiled at her and hugged her with my other arm." Everything will be okay, you need to rest mom, you have work tomorrow morning." I say and lay down on my bed. She just nods and stands, she kisses my forehead then heads to her room. I lay in silence, looking at the ceiling." There is someone else missing in my life. But who is it." I ask myself.

Valt Pov

Everything was quiet, all I could hear was the sound of other kids sleeping in their dorms." I wonder how the others are doing." I ask myself. But the two I worry most about is Rantaro and Wakiya. Oh the tragedy! The teachers but them together in a dorm and all I could ever hear was screaming. They seemed to get along better now though. I lay down and went to sleep.

Valt's Dream

"Valt." A mysterious voice called to him.

He was looking for the voice that called to him.

"Who are you! Where are you!?" He screams out to the voice.

He then feels two arms wrap around him.

"I promised myself that I would find you, and now I'm here, with you." He says calmly in Valt's ear.

Dream end

Morning (Shu's Pov)

Today was the day I enroll into the boarding school. My mother was in the kitchen making breakfast, so I had a little time to myself." Try to stay calm, greet the others with respect. Okay I think I'm good." I say to myself. I started to get dressed." Shu are you up?" My mother asks me through my door." Yes mom, I'll be out in a few minutes." I tell her. She said 'ok' and walked off. I finished getting dressed and packing my things, so I went downstairs to greet my mom." Good morning." I say to her. She didn't say anything back. I ate in silence, "Shu, how do you feel about going to boarding school." My mom asks me. I couldn't think of a response, everything was going so fast." I guess it's an opportunity to meet different people and make friends. But leaving here is the hard thing." I say to her. She just nods and tells me to go to the car.

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