I-I'm So Sorry..

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Shu opened the door to see Free, bleeding heavily." I need.. y-your help." Free wheezes, coughing blood. Shu was shocked, did he do this to himself?! "Free! What happened to you!" Shu screams. His screams woke Valt and the others." S-Shu!? What happened?!!" Valt screamed. "...Shu please.." Free says falling into him.  Valt was terrified at what he saw, what was happening to him. Shu cursed to himself, sighing afterwards. "Valt.. keep the door locked at all times, and do not let anyone in unless it's one of our friends." Shu says before walking out, supporting Free. Valt nods, and whispers: "Be back soon.."

"Free what happened!?" Shu exclaimed. "It happened way to fast.. and I couldn't see who done it," he says coughing. "I was on my way to talk to you.. then all of a sudden, I get stabbed." He says falling down. Shu felt really bad, though he didn't want to. Free was responsible for Valt's wounds, he was trying to get rid of him! But.. he still cares for him. "I- can't walk any further.." Free says collapsing to the ground. Shu holds Free in his arms, falling to his knees. Shu felt tears prick his eyes, his head fell into Free's chest. "Why did it have to be you!" He screams. Free's face looked blank.. like he has lost his life already. "I knew.. something like this would happen," he whispers. "I fell in love with you.. my knight. You were on my mind ever since we shared that kiss. I wanted to share something more before any of this happened." Shu looked at him, Free was smiling.


"Fafnir.. I don't think this will work. How can I make love to him with the little time I have." Free sighed. He walked towards Shu's room, looking around for anyone suspicious. "Going somewhere?" A voice says grabbing Free from behind. "Let me go!" Free exclaims. "Why should I do that? You know.. you made a big mistake thinking someone like you would ever be loved by Shu Kurenai," the person says covering his mouth. "Just die already!" He stabs Free in his side 3 times and pushes him down, laughing. "N-no.. t-this can't be happening!" Free coughs. Free uses the wall for support to get up, he held his side and limped to Shu and Valt's dorm.

End of Flashback

Shu was crying into Free's chest. "...Shu don't cry," He says lifting him. "Knights aren't supposed to show their weakness.. stay strong." He says. Shu wiped his tears and got up. He picked Free up bridal style and rushed outside. Many people saw Free bleeding from his side, and Shu's stained face. "Sir! Are you okay? What happened!" A woman exclaims. "MOVE!" Shu yells. He ran past the woman, using ever bit of his strength to hold the blonde.

At the Hospital

Shu waited patiently for 4 hours. He sat in the waiting room, praying to God that Free would live. "Shu Kurenai?" A nurse says. Shu lifted his head to face the nurse. "I'm here to tell you that your friend has a chance at life, but it's not a big chance," Shu's heart stopped, Free has a low chance to live!? "He has lost to much blood.. i- "LET ME SEE HIM!!" He exclaimed standing from his chair. "I'LL DONATE MY BLOOD TO HIM! HE CAN'T DIE!!" Shu yells. "You must really care about Free de la Hoya.." a guy in black says. "He's my friend..!!" Shu exclaims. The guy in black laughs. Shu eyes the guy slowly, he then notices tiny specks of red on him."Sir.. please calm down.." She says calmly. "I will take you too him.". When Shu stands up, he turns back to the guy and grabs him by the collar. "You were the one who stabbed him!" Shu yelled. The guy just laughs and grabs Shu by his wrist. "So what if I did.. no one would care." He whispers in his ear. He let's go of Shu's wrist with a smirk, Shu turns around and follows the nurse to Free's room.

As Shu and the nurse reached the room, Shu saw machines and wires hooked up to Free. "I was meaning to ask you Shu Kurenai," Shu looks her way. "Is that guy really the person who stabbed Free?" Shu looked the other way. "Didn't you smell blood? There was blood on his clothes!" He exclaimed. Free looked towards Shu's way. He looked like he was gonna cry. "It's true.." Free says quietly. Shu walks towards Free and hugs him. "I'm so sorry.. " he whispers in his ear. Free kissed Shu on the cheek before speaking. "There's no need to apologize.. I'm just glad.." Free smiles.

"That someone cares.."

His smile.. faded. His gray eyes.. closed shut.The monitor was going off, beeping loudly. "No.. no  no no!! FREE!" Shu screamed. Surgeons rushed in to operate on Free, Shu was being  pulled from the room. "FREE!" Shu shouts breaking down in tears. Valt and the others rushed into the hospital seeing Shu being pulled back by many nurses. He was screaming and crying Free's name. "SHU!" they exclaimed. "What happened! What's wrong with Free!?" Rantaro yells. "......" Shu stopped fighting, he saw Free's body covered and being rolled out of the room. "He's dead.. HE'S DEAD!!" Shu cried. Watching from the corner was the guy in black. "Free de la Hoya.. you should've just listened to me." He says before walking off. Valt was comforting Shu.. he couldn't stop crying. "Free.. I'm so sorry.. " he whispered to himself. " Valt held onto his crying boyfriend, eyeing the guy that was walking away. Shu kept thinking about what Free told him before taking him to the hospital..

"I fell in love with you.. my knight. You were on my mind ever since we shared that kiss."

"Knights aren't supposed to show
           their weakness..,"

"Stay Strong..,"

"I'm just glad.. that someone cares for me.... ______"

His last words.. those were his last words. He didn't deserve to die. What did he mean by that? "His last words.." Shu spoke. Rantaro was tearing up. "What did he say.." Keru says. "He said that he was glad someone cared for him,"

Valt was crying now, though him and Free haven't been the best of friends.. hearing those words made him feel terrible.

"Free was gone now.. and there is no coming back.."

☠     R.I.P FREE DE LA HOYA    ☠

Hi.. it's Fluffy-chu here. *sniffs*
I seriously feel like crying! Omg😿😿😿 my eyes are stinging from tearing up.

Now.. my golden boy is in a better place now.. wwaaaahh!!!
I'm gonna miss him so much..
*sees a Free plushie and hugs it*

Thanks.. for reading! *gets tissues*😿😭

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