Demonic Being

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Shu's POV

I stared at Free in disbelief, his obsession over me made him go psycho! He wants me to be his, but my heart will forever remain with Valt. I tried to back away, slowly as possible. Free lowered his head, the only visible thing was his smile.. and his smile creeped me out the most. " Where do you think your going?" he says darkly. I didn't say a word. Free walled up to me and bit down on my neck, pain shot all over my body. He then started to lick the bitemark, " Oh Shu~ I never knew that your blood would taste so sweet~" Free says kissing down my neck. I felt paralyzed, I couldn't move!" What did you do to me!"  I screamed, I heard Valt call my name. Free smirked, licking his lips. "I'm here to take what's rightfully mine. Heheh~" he says looking me up and down. I held the bitemark he left on my neck, at least I tried to. When Free left I was able to move, I felt like I was chained up." It's still bleeding, I need to stop this." I say and walk back into the room. Valt was sitting up in bed, crying." V-valt! What's wrong?!" As I rushed over to his side." He's gonna kill me, he's gonna kill me!" He screamed. I picked Valt and and sat him in my lap, slowly rocking him. I whispered sweet nothings into Valt's ear as I did that. His whimpers and cries subsided, though he was still shaking." Valt, what happened." I said. I kissed him on the forehead and waited for his response." I had a nightmare, I saw.. Fafnir and Free. Free held my neck with his hand.. and then stabbed me with a knife." Valt says trembling in my arms. Free is scaring Valt, my Valt. I can't allow him to hurt him anymore!" Don't worry Valt... I won't let him do that to you. I promise.." I said with a smile. Valt smiled and kissed me on the lips. After we parted, our door slammed open, Diago and Ken, then Wakiya and Rantaro." VALT!!" They all screamed, even Ken. He turned to face them with a smile on his face." Hey guys!" He says cheerfully. He's back!" How are you doing? Are you still hurting? Do you need anything?" They asked all at once. I chuckled at this, Wakiya walked up to me and whispered: "Have you two kissed yet.. or you know hehe.."

I was blushing hard, I faced him and scratched the back of my head. He knew what I meant and smiled." Its good to have you back Valt." Diago says with a smile. Valt smiles back.

Free's POV

I did it again, I did it again. I was panting mess, oh look what my knight made me do. I can't wait any longer. I must have him, I will make him mine. I felt anger rise inside me, I held my neck with one hand. And then screamed. To much.. pain, to much! He did this to me, he took my life away, he ruined me!" Theodore... why." I screamed.

"Kill Valt Aoi

You'll have your crimson knight"

Is what he told me. I want Shu, I need Shu.. I'm going crazy!" Oh Shu ~!! My Crimson Knight! Slay this demon in me!"

Back with Shu and Valt

They want to see me and Valt kiss, why!? I'm blushing so hard right now, they keep chanting "Kiss!". I look at Valt whose crawling up to me." Let's do it okay?" He whispers in my ear. He then faces me, and starts to lean in. I do the same, until our lips connect.  We were French kissing.. in.. then out. I'm about to make so much love to Valt, I want to now. We stopped kissing to catch our breath, both of our faces were red. I looked over to see Wakiya and Ken with a nosebleed, and Rantaro and Diago passed out on the floor." THAT WAS HOT!!" Wakiya screamed fanning himself with his hand. I just smiled, I then felt Valt sit in my lap. He rested his head on my shoulder and felt him smile against my neck." T-that was nice." He says quietly, kissing my neck a little. I squeezed my Valkrie into a tight hug, he is so adorable." I'm seriously about to devour you Valt~" I said into his ear." Not if I devour you first~" he says. Let's just see about that~

Ken carried Diago, Wakiya carried Rantaro." We all have to go out sometime, seriously!" Wakiya exclaims. Valt laughs and holds me tighter." I would like that, would you Shu?" He says with a smile." I'd love to.." I said to him. Everyone left, me and Valt still snuggled close to each other. "Now Shu~" Valt says pinning me to the bed." I think it's your turn~" I smirked and kissed him hungrily in the lips. This is gonna be fun~

Free's POV

"Free, is it okay if I come in?" Theodore asks me through the door." Go away!" I screamed. He just won't give up! What does he want with me. He opened the door and walked in with a smirk on his face. "Now Free, if Shu doesn't accept you.. I'll be happy to take his place~" Theodore says unbuttoning his jacket. No.. no no NEVER!! I love Shu, I'm not gonna let some adult use me! "Go away Theodore, I don't need you." I said to him. But all he did was laugh, and kept walking towards me. "How can you say that Free, you can't pleasure yourself now can you~?" My heart is racing, I'm gonna kill this guy. "Shu won't accept you. You caused enough damage to his lover." Did.. he just say lover? Lover.. , my my~.

I stood up from my bed, and walked past Theodore. I knew if I stayed to long, he'd take advantage of me. "Fafnir, how should I claim Shu?" I asked. I was walking down to Shu's dorm, my heart is pumping harder as I get closer. "Claim him, like he claimed Valt."

Hm.. I like that idea. But he loves Valt, and he won't let him go. I stood outside their door and heard.. moaning. It sounded like my knights moan.. his moans is music to my ears. I held an ear to the door, to hear him.

"A-ah~ Valt!"

So he's causing him to moan huh? He won't be the only one..

Shu's POV

W-wow, he's good. He's cleaning me up now.. licking everything." Nn~ V-valt, Let's take a shower nnm~" I moaned out. Valt smiled and nodded. "See, I could pleasure you too!" Valt says cheerfully. I kissed Valt's forehead and smiled. "And you did an amazing job~"

After the Shower~

Valt fell asleep quickly after the shower. I can't stop smiling, my Valkrie is my everything. He's Perfect. But my mind wasn't just on Valt, it was also on Free. "What can I do to stop him?" I ask myself. The door creaked open, which caught my attention. "Who's there?" I say getting up from Valt's bed. "It's me Shu.." Free says quietly. He just doesn't know when to quit. "What do you want?" I say pulling the door open.



Oof the suspense continues *evil laugh* phew I'm on a roll!

I hope you all enjoyed this chaptie! Thank you all for the votes and the sweet comments!

Oi! I almost forgot! Here is FluffyMomentos!

(Psst.. she likes being called Skittles tehe~ 🍬🍬)

 she likes being called Skittles tehe~ 🍬🍬)

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-Drawn by yours truly~♡

I'll see you next chapter Fluffy-Skittles!!


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