Just one kiss..

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After classes Shu and the others met up outside for lunch." Finally! I thought the classes would never end!" Valt says eating his food." Tell me about it." Wakiya says sounding as if he was gonna pass out. But Shu couldn't eat, to much was on his mind." Shu, are you feeling okay?" Diago asks him. No response. Shu looked weak and ill, his eyes were soft." Shu? Is something wrong?" Valt asks him. Shu looks Valt's way and smiled just a bit. But, he never answered." I'm gonna take a walk around the canvas, to clear my mind a bit." Shu says getting up.

Shu Pov

Since the classes were over for today, I decided to head over to the beach. I sat down and held Spyzen in my hand.

"If only.. I could tell him how I feel, but will he accept me?"

I kept thinking about the dream I had about Valt, holding him close. That dream made I realize how hateful I was when I met Valt. Not as kids, but as teens. I had flashbacks of when me and Valt were kids, he was there for me when I cried, he was there for me when I felt pain. I am who I am because of Valt.

Shu's Dream [regular pov]

It was dark and silent. All Shu could hear is his own heartbeats.

Someone appeared in front of him, blue hair and brown eyes.

"Valt.." Shu says and runs up to him. He held Valt close to him, softly. Shu and Valt went to the ground, on their knees.

"Shu, I like you. I wanted to tell you that for a while. But I was afraid.. you-" Valt says quietly in Shu's ear.

Shu was rubbing Valt's back, slowly moving his head into Valt's neck.

"I love you Valt, I shouldn't have pushed you away,"

Shu says holding onto Valt tighter

"I can't hide my feelings for you anymore Valt. I must have you."

Shu pins Valt to the ground, getting on top of him.

"I want you to be mine Valt. No matter what."

×Dream end×

"That dream.. felt so real." I say to myself. I turned around to see Valt running my way." This isn't a good time.." I said, watching Valt come my way. Once Valt reached me, I felt my heart pound through my chest." Hey Shu! I just came to check up on you." He says to me. I thanked him and smiled at Valt, trying not to hug him. I sat down on the beach sand, as well with Valt. Me and him started a conversation and everything went well.

 Me and him started a conversation and everything went well

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