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Free's POV

"I'm just glad.. someone cares." I whispered silently into my knights ear. I then.. felt my heart beat even slower, my knights eyes start to tear up. "FREE! NO NO! YOU CAN'T DIE!!" I heard him scream. "Oh my knight.. I'm sorry. I want to die, I don't want anymore damage done to my body." I thought to myself. The surgeons covered me in the white bedsheets and rolled the bed out of the room. I heard my knights cries, he really cared about me. If only I could.. see him, one last time. "You.. can't leave yet.."

Regular POV

B-dump.., B-dump, B-dump, B-dump, B-dump. "Your not gonna give up that quickly now.. are you?" Fafnir said to Free. "You made a promise to yourself.. don't you remember?" He asks. "I promised.. to protect my knight, to love and to make love to him.. I CAN'T DIE YET!!" Free screamed to himself. He lifted the covers that were covering his body. "SHU!" He yelled. Shu lifted his head, was he hearing things? "Free?" He questioned silently to himself. Valt and the others heard it too, "Shu, that sounds like Free!" Valt exclaims. Valt let Shu go and nodded towards him. "Find him Shu." They all said. He nodded and ran in the direction they were pushing Free's bed. "It said on the monitor that his heart stopped!" The surgeons screeched. "Calm down!" another said. "Let me see my knight!" Free screamed.

Free's side was killing him, but he wouldn't let that stop him from seeing Shu. He jumped from out of the bed and ran, blood gushed through the bandages. "Free!" Shu yelled. He saw Free running towards him with blood running down his side. "My knight!" Free exclaimed. Free ran into Shu, nearly knocking him off balance. "I-I can't believe it! Your alive!" Shu says happily. "I wasn't going to leave so quickly.. knowing I made a promise." Free says with a smile. Shu held onto Free tightly, "He found him!" Valt yells out to the others. "Why don't you tell me your promise?" Shu asks Free with a smile. Free just smiled and looked away. "Ah.. I rather not," he says blushing. "HEY FREE!" Rantaro exclaims. Free waves slowly, wrapping his arms around Shu. Shu got on his knees, still holding Free. Valt, Diago, Ken and Wakiya were surprised to see the slender blonde. "H-hey.. everyone." Free says. Valt smiled and kneeled down to face Free, as well with the others. "We're so happy your okay! How's your side?" Valt asks him. Shu puts a hand over Free's side and shook his head. "He isn't bleeding as much as before, but I know he's still in pain." He says. "I wonder.. what will happen to our school. Seeing blood in the halls." Diago says quietly. "Your right.. should we take Free with us? He hasn't healed.. but," Besu asks. "N-no no, you guys can leave me here," he says to them. They nod and walk off. Shu faced Free and tilted his head. "I promise stay  strong for you.. my knight." Free says quietly. "I will.. make love to you." Shu was shocked, but not as much. "I knew you'd say something like that... heh." He laughed. Free smiled and kissed Shu for the last time. "I think I should go back now," He says. Shu nods and takes the blonde to an empty room. "Please take good care of him. Make sure he heals properly!" Shu yells out before running off. "....that's my knight~..." Free thought to himself.

At the School

There were cop cars surrounding the school. Cops and detectives were searching the school for evidence. "This isn't good," Shu says to the group. "What makes you say that?" Valt asks holding his hand. "I'm covered in Free's blood.." he says. "Shu, they might asks questions first! They can't assume you did it!" Rantaro said confidently. Shu just nods, squeezing Valt's hand slightly. "Shu.. it's gonna be okay." Valt says to him. Shu gets on his knees, was it really gonna be okay? "Come here Valt." Shu said to him. Wants Valt was close enough, he took him into his arms and held him close.

"Aww.. Shu." Valt said rubbing his back. "Excuse me sir! We haven't found any suspects yet, could you possibly-" The cop eyed Shu's clothing. "Sir.. is that blood?" He asks. "It's my friends blood, the one who got stabbed multiple times..." Shu said to him, holding Valt tighter. Valt knew that Shu was worried, but he knew, Shu Kurenai was angry. Another cop approaches the group and sighs. "You were the kid who ran desperately to the hospital.. holding the victim right?" She asks. Shu nods. "We are gonna ask you all to come with us.." She says. Valt and the others were afraid, but not Shu. He was gonna avenge Free, he isn't gonna let him get away with what he did. "Let's go." Shu says lifting Valt as he stood. "Thank you for your cooperation." She says. The cop takes the group in for questioning.

At The Police Station


"Where were you when this event happened." The cop asked me. This is stupid! Why can't I cut to the chase! I KNOW WHO ALMOST TOOK THE LIFE OF FREE DE LA HOYA!!! "I was in my dorm room." I answered. Shu cursed silently to himself, waiting impatiently for the next question. "I can tell you want to bring the criminal down, but we must know everything that you know." They say to me. "Next question." I said. "Where did you find the victim."

"He was asking for help, bleeding heavily from his side. I ran him to the hospital where he almost died! AND I KNOW WHO KILLED HIM!" I screamed. The door opens, Free was there standing next to one of cops. "Hey Shu.." he says weakly. I walked up to him and hugged him. "Please just be patient, it might take time to find him." Free says quietly into my ear. "Free you deserve justice, he needs to be caught and locked up. Maybe even death!" Free's breath felt cold against my neck, icy cold. "I will get my justice.. I promise you.." Free says. I let him go and stared at him. "Do you remember his voice Free?" I asked him. Free nodded. "It sounded alot like Theodore's voice.. " Free says with a sigh. He looked up at me with a worried look.

"Now.. he's after you.."


Oh noes! XD man I should've updated yesterday.. I lost meh streak T^T. 

Oh hey! Fluffy-chu here with another chapter! WE SHALL GIVE OUT GOLDEN BOY THE JUSTICE HE DESERVES.. *clears throut* blehh...

Thanks for reading!
*nibbles on pocky*

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