chapter -9 (her)

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"Christian please try to understand ! That's my dream project I can't let it go ! " he looks at me tentatively and talks to me as if I was a little kid who is very  stubborn .
The thing which is triggering me is he's taking her side ! Elena Lincoln the whore who abused him. Who brought him into this world of darkness and the worst part is Christian still thinks if it wasn't for Elena he would not have been this successful as he is now!
Christian: " think about your company Genevieve, you're still new to business if you drop the lawsuit and settle for a number then not only your company benefits but it'll be very useful for your future contracts. Elena is giving a big amount for it !"
"it's not Elena it's you!  who's giving out the amount. Christian it's not her it's you who's hurting me !"
Angry tears starts falling down my cheeks.
Christian starts following me but I run faster and I crossed the just in time to catch a bus. I need space....

I am in my old apartment, trying to collect my thoughts. My iPhone rings all of a says 911 on the screen. My whole body is tensed...
"hello! Am I talking to Genevieve Cassels ? "
"yes ? Is something wrong?"
" I am sorry to inform you but your boyfriend Christian Grey is admitted in Seattle Grace hospital due to asphyxiation. A fire broke out in the meeting room  in the hotel he was staying at."
And the next few moments was a blur...
Oh my God Christian! Please let him be okay..  I ask the doctor every detail about Christian.
Doctor said he is unconscious because he inhaled a lot of toxic gas during the fire.
I sit next to him and I just hold his hand. His hands are always warm. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. His hair is muffled . I dozed  with his hands still locked with mine.
His hands move and I woke up with a jolt. He is looking Straight at me and I just look into his eyes and kiss his forehead. Then he kissed me deeply as if it was all he needed right now. 
I stayed by his side and did everything I could to comfort him. He slept in my arms coiled round his neck. In a sleepy voice he said he was sorry and he asked me of I am dropping the lawsuit? And obviously I  said yes...

It's very windy today as I got out of my car. Yesterday was a total disaster. Everything is so messed up, I need to focus on something else.
But yesterday made me realize that maybe it is just better to move on with my life.
I ask Dina if there was any calls for me and there was one from Andrew.
I call him... "hi Andrew it's me Genevieve Cassels. " Andrew replies
"hey ! I just called to inform you that our project is almost done. All we need to do is present our parts equally ..."
"that's great !! I guess I'll see you soon then ? ".
"definitely !" I hesitate and ask a final question..
"Hey how's everything working out between you and your fiance ?"
" well not so good.. I guess it's because I am always away so she has sort of not talking much with me..she always sounds very distracted."
"oh I am sorry I should not have asked then...."
" no its okay .. I'll send you a mail regarding the project. I gotta go! Bye"
He hangs up. That's the first time he sounded upset...
I check my calendar and it says Dr.Flynn appointment. Shoot ! I almost forgot about it ! He is consulting me since my recovery..

Dr. Flynn is always concerned about my health conditions , he knows that I have central vertigo.
Dr. Flynn: "so Genevieve how are you feeling today?"
" not very well Dr. Flynn, I had the worst episode of vertigo yesterday"
" I think you are very stressed out from all your work, what exactly happened yesterday ?"
" Dr.Flynn you know Christian right?"
"Christian ? As in Christian Grey ?"
"yes, umm I haven't told you but Christian was my boyfriend before the accident...but he has forgotten everything what happened before that.. I met him when I was studying in Harvard and we met when I presented my company's work and everything..."
" I am not allowed to share details about another client but please continue.." Dr.Flynn looked very shocked.
" I know that, he told about you that's why I came to you for consultation."
I sip my coffee and continued..
" so I got to know he's dating someone else and her name's Anastasia Steele. It's just they looked happy together so I didn't intervened at first but then I went to London and I met Andrew who I am collaborating my work with and we followed each other on Instagram and I found so many pictures of him with his Fiancee who's none other than Anastasia !! So I decided to confront Christian and told him everything but he lashed out on me and yesterday I was publicly humiliated by Elena Lincoln at the launch event, that's why my head started spinning."
Dr. Flynn made a few notes in his notebook and asked me " who's Elena Lincoln ? " "she's the one who stole my dream project when I was with Christian and I filed a lawsuit too but Christian made me drop it and asked me to settle on a number..because Elena's salon chain comes under Grey Enterprises so basically Christian took her side and we got into a rift and later that day we had a horrible fight and I was driving and he was sitting beside me and then the wheels slipped on the snowy road and we crashed .." Dr Flynn looks serious and continues
"So this is something new you have told me..but tell me why you were Christian? What did you like about him?"
" Christian made me feel different. He always made me feel protected so I never minded his extra possessive nature. I never had anyone in my life who made me feel secured. My dad abandoned me and my mom when I was 14 and my mom turned alcoholic after that. So I used to work 5 part time jobs to take care of my mom and my school fees until I was 16. So I was always scared of everything.. I am not used to anyone taking care of me so when Christian came into my life it was like I can finally stop being afraid. It was because of him I did very well with my company.
But Christian had his own demons he kept himself away somehow and when I got to know why I felt I was not the only one who has suffered so much, it was like my world was dark and his even more darker but when we were together somehow it was not dark anymore it was brighter than before. That's why I am in love with him."
"okay Genevieve I need to know more about your past, is there a specific incident you want to tell me?"
"yes, well when I was 15 my mom was alcoholic and I sent her to a care centre but she was not responding to the treatment and she collapsed and got admitted in a hospital. The doctors told my aunt who came from Milan that my mom was in a critical stage and she might have a kidney failure and might even die if the she didn't respond well to the treatment..." Dr.Flynn nodded as I continued
" so I was devastated and I blamed my dad for it, I wanted to make him regret. I wanted him to spend the rest of his life in guilt and repent so I tried to commit suicide. I jumped off the bridge at midnight but somehow I survived I was a good swimmer but that incident has latched on my mind. It's a trauma and sometimes I relive that day in my dreams. But after being Christian that nightmare changed a little bit. Instead of jumping off the railing I step down from it and run away.. "
He jots a few more words in his book and continues.
" did you have any impact on Christian when you were with him? Because that might be useful to find out why he only forgot about you."

"well I think you know about 'his lifestyle' so when I was in Harvard and side by side running my company. we met at a presentation and then we started dating casually but he wanted me to be a submissive and I was not sure about it then later 2 months  I agreed to do whatever he asked me to do but he went all beast on me and I was very hurt because he didn't care and didn't ask me if i was alright and I had fever and I had few cuts which started bleeding but the next morning when he came to see me he was shocked and raged about his carelessness. "
I paused for a moment to recollect that day.
" so he started punishing himself and I stopped him in the meantime. I think since then he didn't pursue that 'lifestyle ' again. His nightmares was less frequent than before. He was more comfortable around me and he loved it when I cooked anything for him or when I hugged him which was a big step for him."
Dr Flynn: "okay Genevieve thank you for telling me everything I'll do my best to help you. We will meet tomorrow. Thank you "

I checked my iPhone and I have 50 missed calls from Hailey and Dina..
I call Hailey "hello? Hailey ?"
"genny! come fast to your office! It's being demolished ! Your company is accused for plagiarizing most of your work..."
What ? Oh my God ! Why?

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