chapter - 11 (her)

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Doctors said that mom's blood pressure was very high. Her kidneys are completely damaged and her body is filled with unfiltered toxins.... her time is ticking...
Mom has a kidney failure. And dialysis can't cure her anymore...
Mom needs a kidney transplant...
And there are no donor for her...

The past few hours I have been contacting every single hospital to check if there's a matching donor.
But there's none...
God! Why ? Please take me instead of mom. I can't live without her. She's the only one I have... tears keep flooding down my cheeks as the doctor said she will not last more than 2 days!!
My head is spiralling  down as I take my pill. It's all because of me !
Because of him !! I get a notification of Andrew's Instagram and I decided to confront Christian Grey for the last freaking time....

I drove myself inside Escala and enter the password for his penthouse. It's still the same. I know he is there inside because I spotted Taylor parking his car.
I have a bag full of his stuff he left in my apartment. Even the submissive contract which I never signed.
I was relieved to see Mrs. Jones opened the door. She immediately understood to call Christian..
I spotted heels, it must be Ana's she is here too. I am done playing hide and seek.
Christian is shocked to see me here.
"What the fuck are you doing here ?"
"how dare you enter here !!"
I am furious at him. He is blinded by Anna's innocence....Angry tears flowing down my cheeks...
"well how dare you to demolish my office Christian Grey!! "
"you know I won't have told you everything if I didn't know that Anastasia is cheating on you.. and you said you wanted proof? Here there's your god damn proof!!" I hand him an envelope full of Andrew's pictures with Ana with all dates. I also open the bag which has all of his stuff.
He looks shocked and very very angry. I have never seen Christian like this before. He speaks in a grunt voice.
" you must be one of my subs, what do you want ?"
" I was not your sub!! I never  signed the contract . If I was then why don't you have any sub detail file about me like you have for other subs and probably even Ana."
He furiously walks inside his study and I spot Ana coming downstairs . Definitely from the playroom.
She is shocked to see me here like this. I fish out my purse and spread all mine and Christian's pictures on the coffee table. Christian returns. His expression is grim.
I give another file full of hotels and everything I collected as a proof of our relationship. While doing so I touched his arm and he was not scared. Exactly what I expected. His memory might not remember my touch but his body still does reacts the same way. Still electric..
"see you're not afraid of my touch.."

" ask Taylor ask anyone ! Ask Dr. Flynn ! Christian we were together for 7 months and all I did was tell you the truth and what did you do instead ? You destroyed my office!
Because of that my mom had hypertension and now she is dying of kidney failure and I wonder who to blame!! "
Christian looked as of he took a bitter bite... I continue...
" Christian you have just confused Ana with me.. don't you feel that every moment with Ana feels like it has happened before, like a deja vu !!"
" and the watch you're wearing I gave it you it has CG N GC engraved on it!
The initials of your and my name !"
Angry tears flow down my cheeks..
I talk to Ana who is too shocked
" and you ! Anastasia Steele ! Don't you have any self respect ! You're not cheating Christian but also Andrew your best friend since high school! "
Ana starts sobbing.
Suddenly I get a phone call I pick it up
"Hello ? Miss Cassels you're mom is going for another operation we need you to sign a few forms."
"if something happens to my mom then you will see what I can do Mr. Grey!" My voice cracked
I started running out of his place and I am crying badly. If something happens to mom then I will fight against everyone and that bitch Elena she tried to ruin my company which was made from mom's sacrifices. I won't let this go.
I reach the hospital in time and signed all papers and also a donor form which says if mom doesn't survive ,  she can donate all her healthy organs to the ones in need.
I go see mom, she looks so pale just like the scene outside the window, it's snowing.. she looks like a late winter's moon, a little foggy but still a little bright. "I am sorry mommy I failed to take care of you ... I am so selfish. I am sorry not being able to donate one of my kidney. Please forgive me.... I love you !! Please wake up.. I will always try to make you proud of me! "
Her hands are still warm even with so many tubes attached to it.

There are still no news about a donor.
All those alienated feelings of the 15 year old me comes running back to me and hits me hard like a bullet train.
I started running towards that same old bridge and the same old water....
My hands are shaking as I touch it's railing  and I am just looking down at the dark water and all I can see is the 15 year old me is still drowning in those water as my mind is occupied in a dilemma of facing the water again or not.

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