Chapter 24 (him)

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"Christian...." She keeps whispering my name as I capture her soft lips, possessing her sweet little mouth.
From last four days since she sent me that wicked video of her dancing in her sexy bra, she never left my mind.
How dare her to tease me like that?
I want to punish her badly the way she did to me by the way sending that video. I'll make her beg for it.
Right now she is just everything I can feel with my hands her swimsuit hugging her beautiful curves and the swell of her breast is crushed to my chest. I break off the kiss and she seemed disappointed.
"I can't, you're drunk." I announce and head out the door. I can't risk staying there so close to her bed when she is looking so vulnerable.
"I am not drunk." she mumbles and settled on the couch.
She suddenly looks at me with those crystal clear eyes and mumbles
"I hate you so much! You never called and I was mad at you." I chuckled. she has no idea how much I am mad at her. Her silliness is adorable.
" that's because you sent me a very disturbing video."
Her cheeks flared up in rosy pink colour. Her pupils looked towards the floor. She She looks like a small girl who did a mischief.
"I didn't wanted to send i was trying to delete it but but I clicked send.."
She shrugged as I joined her on the couch. I instructed her to drink more water.
"Am I in trouble Christian?" showing her gullible eyes like a doe.
I laughed, I like drunk Genevieve.
She's so amusing. Fuck, I have missed her so much. That's the first time I have ever said that for anyone. She continues.
"Whatever I don't care, don't you like me Christian? I mean I do but what about you? You're so confusing sometimes no, most of the times. You have put up so many walls and walls and I am like a humpty Dumpty trying to cross  it but then I fall on my face and crack myself. I mean hurt myself. Who do you think you are? I know you are a good person but sometimes you make me feel like crap. Like I don't know. You know I tell you everything but you don't want to tell me anything. I am not stupid you know like your old subs.. Signor Grey I'll sue you for a long time if you ignore me anymore..... "
I try to look serious but she is so hilariously drunk and I like her like this completely out of control. Humpty Dumpty? Hmmm...
She's funny. Her nose is also a little red. She is looking so cute when she is angry. She sighs
" I missed you so I am looking for a good excuse not to. But I don't expect you to reciprocate because you're tastes are very singular and you don't do romance and shit and you only want good sex. You can also make a good choice for your sex appetite when you'll so many hot Italian girls around here. I feel so mocked. "
She is heavily drunk. But what she said struck a chord within me. I used to be like that. But now it seems crazy to even think about anyone else other than Genevieve. She has gotten under my skin. Broke down many walls, and whenever she did, I shut her out.

"I missed you too cara, you can't imagine how much. I am sorry I didn't make you realize that before."
I give her my sincere apologies.
I learned a little Italian before coming here. Suddenly she stood up, wobbly on her feet, swaying as she spoke
"Hey! Don't you go all Christian Grey over me! I know you are very dangerous and I am not going to fall for you again!!"
She tumbles as she falls down and I caught her in my arms just in time.
She smells heavenly. She reminds me of refreshing scent of earth after rain.
Fall for me again? Did I break her heart the first time? She loved me?
But why? She's perfectly perfect but I am perfectly fucked up mess.
She says something unintelligible as I carry her to her bedroom. She's soaking wet. I remove her swimwear and search her closet for to find something suitable. I grab a sweatshirt and an underwear.
Some papers fall down as I closed the drawer. Hmmmm... They are addressed to me. Interesting.
She is mumbling again. I stuff the papers in my pocket.
She starts giggling when I slipped on her underwear and made her to put her hands through the sleeves of the shirt. As soon as she is dressed she locked her arms around my neck.
"Why don't you see yourself the way I do? You bamboozle me Christian...."
And she rubs her nose against my nose. I kiss her and she giggled again.
"what?" I ask her. Now my kisses are funny? "No, I said bamboozle, boob and booze, it's a funny word."
I slowly lay her down and she immediately fell asleep. I never felt like this before. I want to protect her from all the bad things.
She snakes an arm around my stomach and cuddled next to me.
Her skin is like silk against my skin.
I fish out the papers and read them carefully. It's a letter.

'30th October 2011'
Dear Christian,
Today was the most depressing day of my life. As I realized I have been
Comatose for three months. And I don't know why you are no longer with me. I remember seeing you after the crash. You suffered a blow to your head and I didn't get a chance to tell you what I wanted to say to you.
Call me crazy but when I was fighting with you before the crash I would have told you how much I loved you.
And that's why I was so angry with you seeing you again with her at the party. With the woman who took your virginity when you were just fifteen. I am jealous because of how you behave towards her. I didn't object at first but when you told me to settle for a number when she stole my project I lost it Christian. I lost my cool because I felt you care about her more than me. I wished you knew how I felt when I took the cheque from that  woman.
I wondered why you were so angry with me when I tried to talk to you about her. I have no idea what I meant to you that time. But now lying here on a hospital bed not being able to utter a word, I have thousands of words to say to you without thinking twice. All I want to say is that I want you to be happy. You deserve endless happiness and love. I don't believe you're a sadist and there is no way you can prove me wrong. I have seen you, felt you and touched you the same way you did. I was always tough outside because I had no other choice.
I have never trusted someone except you because I am scared that they will leave me alone when they are done with me. Why don't you see yourself the way I do? You're brilliant and you are generous and hopelessly sexy but that's not my point. You need to see that you are way past the Christian I first met. You taught me to be courageous and be confident about every single part of me. Then why shouldn't you? You don't see how rare and beautiful you are. You take it for granted and that's not fair.
There are variation of the truth and the truth is that you are one of the most lovable person I have ever met. Everyone tries to hate you because of your success but they can't help themselves to do the opposite. Brokenness is a form of art and you are made of different hues of the same feelings we all are made of.
So I promise if I make it to the world where you are now, where you describe everything just gray, I'll try to paint it colourful the way you did mine. I'll be brave when  you are frightened. I'll be strong when you feel weak. We'll take turns to untangle the  knots. I'll wait for the next time.
It's okay if you don't remember me. I wish you are loved for all of you rather than a small part of you. Maybe it's meant to be like this but I won't give up, I want you to be proud of me for putting up a fight. All I can do now is breathe and wait for tomorrow to come.
Love Genevieve. '

Tears sting my eyes as I fold the letter.
Thousand questions pop in my head. I feel an unfamiliar sense of what I can't express. It's like she poured her heart into this letter. Was her condition that bad? A thought of her unconscious and cold made my body shudder. I will never let her be like that again. How can she fall in love with someone like me? How can be sure that I am not a sadist? Many times she has said things which I have held back inside myself.
How can someone like her has been through the same thing as I have.
She makes me feel lucky to have a family. What kind of witchcraft she did on me? She uncomplicated me somehow. She bewitched me and now she is sleeping innocently right next to me. I hold her tightly and a smile surfaced her face. I want her exactly like this. Always smiling.
You're one heck of a lucky man Grey!
I snuggled next to her and drift off into a fitful sleep.

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