Play The Game

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Sami left for home not too long after that moment between us.

"Chelsea, was Sami alright? Freddie told me she was crying" Mum walked in the house.

The boys left not too long ago.

"Oh... Her boyfriend broke up with her, it's alright though, mum. I helped her, as did Freddie" I assured her.

She looked unsure, but shrugged, "Alright." She sighed.

I started walking up the stairs.

"Off to bed then?" Mum asked.

I stopped walking, looking back at her, nodding. "Yeah, night mum, love you." I blew her a kiss.

"Night, love."

I sat there in bed. Relationships, what a tough subject.. I want them, but seeing Sami I don't.

I sighed, rolling over to my side in bed. I should ask one of the boys tomorrow.

I fell asleep, thinking just exactly what I was going to say.


I woke up, hearing the beat of Roger's drum going. Again..  I groaned getting out of bed, stretching.

Then it donned on me, Ask them. I remembered.

I skipped down the stairs.

"Well, somebody looks happy this morning!" Freddie smiled at me, hugging me.

"Morning, darling" He kissed my forehead.

"Morning all. Hey, Freddie, can I talk to you in private?" I looked at him, hopeful.

"Sure, darling." We walked to the kitchen, where no one was at.

"Freddie, I need advice.." I softly spoke.

"Alright, darling. Don't be shy! Ask away!" He smiled.

So happy for being up so early..

"Um, it's about this boy... I.. I've never been in a relationship before, and I don't know if I like him or what is going on.." I admitted.

Freddie smirked, "It's about this Timothy isn't it."

I blushed, "No.." I lied.

Freddie started laughing, "No, it is! You like this boy! Oh, we thought the day would never come!" He jumped up and down, squealing.

I looked down to the ground, embarrassed. I felt my face head up.

He playfully slapped my arm, "No need to be embarrassed, darling! It's nature! Sadly" He shrugged.

"All I can tell you is follow your heart, try the game and play the game. But remember this." He leaned closer to me.

"It's okay to mess up" He whispered.

I smiled, "Thanks, Fred" I hugged him.

I skipped out the room, getting ready for school.


"Jeez, Chelsea. What's gotten into you?" Sami questioned me.

I smiled, "Nothing.."

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you have a crush." Sami stated.

I bit my lower lip, Sami just stared at me for a moment.

"No, you do not have a crush, Chelsea Austin?!" She started squealing.

I blushed.

"Oh, my god... We never thought this day would come!" She squealed, hugging me.

Why the hell does everybody keep saying that?

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