Flick Of The Wrist

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I sat there once again in bed.

Mum and the boys left me in my room, mum offered to bring me lunch, but I told her I wasn't hungry and just needed some sleep.

I've never been so crazy in my life. Never been so sad, depression, in anger. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. It's just a sudden sadness dwelling over me, and it feels dreadful!

I need to get away. You'd feel like this to if you were locked in your room for weeks, not being able to move. I swear, If I stay in here any long, I'll have to be sent to a mental hospital!

I clutched my fists together, I'm loosing it again..

I sighed, I need to go. Just get out for a little bit, enjoy the fresh air again.

I slowly got out of bed, grabbing my side, feeling more pain rush in me.


I walked towards the door, opening it slowly.

I slowly tiptoed towards the staircase, looking down to make sure no one was near.

I softly walked down the stairs.

As I hit the last step, I looked around.

They must've all gone outside.

I quickly walked towards the front door, dropping a note on the ground for them.


I've gone out to finally enjoy some fresh air. It's so lonely in a bedroom that seemed so big once, but now is so tiny. 

You leaving me in there has be going crazy! I can't handle it anymore!

I don't know when I'll return, but don't worry.

I'll be fine.


Chelsea Austin XXXX

I slowly closed the door, making sure not to make a peep. Looking around the front garden, I found my bicycle.

Must be less harmful than walking with blood, huh?

I skipped towards the bike, slowly getting onto.

I turned the bike around, peddling fast, away from home.

See you sometime, lovely.

I blew a kiss to my home.


I biked towards the park on the other side of the school.

I suddenly slammed on my bike brakes to a sight I shouldn't have seen.

Timothy kissing another girl?

I gasped, tears filling up in my eyes.

I threw my bike to the ground.

Holding my bleeding side, I stomped towards Timothy.

"TIMOTHY!" I yelled, angry.

The girl and Timothy jumped, breaking from their kiss.

Tim's eyes widened as he saw me.


"Yes, Chelsea. It's me, your girlfriend" I said, grinding my teeth.

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