Dragon Attack

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I woke up, groaning.

Oh, god.. What kind of dream was that?

I rubbed my eyes gently, looking around.

My eyes widened.

"Thought you could escape so easily, Chelsea?" Chris laughed.

"What the hell do you want from?!" I yelled.

Chris smirked, "Nothing..Nothing.." He laughed, playing with his hands.

"Chelsea, you're such a spoiled brat, you know that? So ungrateful for life, so angry at the world. But lets replay the last week of your life.." He turned around to a blank wall, suddenly my vision saw Sami and I.

The day I yelled at Sami.

"IT'S MY FAULT! NOT YOURS!" My voice from the screen echoed in heaven.

I shivered.

"You did this to yourself, Chelsea..." Chris grinned.

"N-no" I whispered.

Chris laughed again, "Oh, yes you did! The proof was all there as I watched you! You made yourself angry, you caused this, you made yourself be shot-"

"No, no, no, no, no" I whispered, tears falling from my eyes.

The tears were thick, I wiped away my tears.

Only to see blood on my hands.

I screamed, I'm crying blood!!!

"You lost your own blood, you ran away, Timothy cheated because of YOU" Chris walked closer to me.

I got up, trying to run, but I stumbled and fell.

"AH!" I screamed, holding my side.

The shot reappeared.

"You made yourself depressed, it's all your fault!" Suddenly Chris transformed into some demon, and his voice became very low.

I squinted my eyes looking at him more.


Chris chuckled, "Yes?"

My eyes widened, "N-no, You're Chris!!" I shouted.

"I'm Derrick now." Derrick smirked, walking closer.

He kicked me in the stomach, then slapped my face, pulling me up by my shirt.


I'm scared, he's acting crazy! This can't be heaven, this can't be real!

I whimpered, "N-no... She didn't! She couldn't have!"

"Anything is possible, Chelsea... She saw what I did to you and hunted me down. You wonder why she's gone all the time? Because she's in court for her own trial.." He pushed me against the wall.

I coughed, "Derrick... Stop! Stop this!" I cried.

Derrick laughed intensely, "You put this upon yourself.." He spat at my face.

He held up a gun, pointing it to me.

I covered my face, screaming, crying uncontrollably.

"Goodbye, Chelsea" Derrick said softly.

Derrick started laughing hysterically, as he shot me.

The beeping noise continued as my vision went black again.

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