Crazy Little Thing Called Love

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I woke up the next morning, smiling.

And yet it wasn't a dream.Good.

I got out of bed, stretching, and yawning.

I skipped down the stairs.

"Good morning, Chelsea!" John smiled at me.

I smiled back, "Morning, John. Lovely morning isn't it?" I chirped.

He chuckled, "Somebodies in a great mood, aren't they?"

I blushed, "Guess so..."

"Hey, John. How's the album going?" I asked.

"It's going alright, we still need to write more songs."

"Perhaps you could write one for us." He joked.

I smirked, "Perhaps so, I'll work on it."


"How was the date with this special man, Chelsea?" Sami smirked at me, nudging my arm.

I blushed, "It went really great, I think it'll turn into something.." I smiled.

Sami smiled, "Finally, Chelsea Austin is heading towards the dating world.. Who is this lucky man?"

"I can't say, Sami. You'll know one day.." I smirked.

Sami sighed, "Alright.."

She suddenly became very happy, "Guess what!" She exclaimed.


"Derrick and I are back together.." Sami giggled.


"That's great!" I faked a smile.

"I know! He said he missed me, and then we made love..." She sighed happily.

"Mhm.." My happiness was leaving just knowing she was with Derrick again. Damn, prick he is.

"I know you aren't completely happy for me, but love is love..." She was in la-la land once again.

I rolled my eyes, "Yup.." Sadly.


Timothy smiled, he always smiled when I walked through the school door, but this time it seemed more brighter.

"Hey, Chelsea" He waved.

"Hey, Tim" I couldn't help but smile back.

"Last night was fun" Tim commented.

I nodded, "Yeah. I'm sorry about the whole Freddie thing though..." I trailed off.

"Yeah... That ruined the moment" We both blushed in embarrassment from that memory.

"Maybe next time" I smirked.

Tim laughed, "Yeah.. Maybe next time."

"Do you want to come over to my house after school?" I offered.

Tim nodded, "Sure! I'd love too." He smiled.

I smiled back, "Did you hear Derrick and Sami are back together?"

His eyes widened, "No" He said in disbelief

"Yes" I replied.

"God... Back to that prick?" He slammed a fist on the table lightly.

I sighed, "It sucks, but whatever she wants I guess. We can't control it." I shrugged.

"True.." Timothy replied.

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