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I am 4 years old and I am walking alone. On the street it's 2:12 a.m. I am so scared, maybe this wasn't a good idea....

Geez Hong Kong is such a big place. Okay, I just need to find a train station. I keep walking and try to stay in the well lit areas.

I skip around I could hear a car zoom past me and I fall. What is this? I find something in my leg I pull it out... my eyes...their so out of focus!

I should get up! Soon my face it's The pavement. Crap!
It's cold... Why is it cold? My arms feel like lead. I rub my eyes and open them. Okay, looking around I see a few men in grout of me.

The only thing stopping them is a cage that I am in! Oh nooo! I get ask far away from them as I can. What do they want?

"Um...where am I now?" I ask one of them me who is holding onto the bars.

"Hi Aya we saved you from the street."

The men laugh and nod. " me huh...can you take me to Japan?" "Sure kid! You are now going to be my little child soldier. Don't you look perfect kid." He laughs, and moves is green dyed hair to the front of his face.

I look at this Ben guy with wide eyes. "If I work for you I must gain something." I say, I need some sort of leverage.

Ben and some other guys laugh. "Ok, This file says everything you want to know about your mama." Ben lifts up the file.

Mom...what were you?
Now I never wished knew her.
She was a stripper did it with my dad he was a teen and she was 26 or something.

She tried to kill me. That's when I was taken from her. I don't want her, she didn't love me. But maybe my dad would! I want to find him. I'll use my power to get what I need!

Now that I am a child soldier I can't escape. I'm caged in! I can't melt anything metal yet.

I don't trust them, I hope I am on my way to Japan. I need to learn myself some Japanese.

[3 years later]
Can't believe Ive lived with these people for so long...

They sure did make me into a good human weapon. I have killed so many people... sad to say im not sure if I feel any thing.

Ben told me my mother died. Can't say that I miss her. I am in Japan! I'm excited to meet my father. I'll get away from these shit heads soon!

I walk around with this thing on my beck that keeps me in line. Every time I try to burn it shocks me.

I know Ben as a remote to it. I have to steal it from him when I find it. At least I can say they don't starve me.

looking for my fatherWhere stories live. Discover now